Prologue PT2: Into the dome.

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( Final part of the prologue! Hope ya like it! Oh and here is the video I was watching while writing it: )

Angels halo POV:

I woke up, on the grass. I couldn't remember anything that happened to get me here. I looked around, and saw that  was in a- dome?? I tried to get up, but I couldn't, and I looked at my legs to see... somebody dragging me? I then remembered what happened yesterday. I guess the kidnapper just- brought me here for extra security? Man- I'm so confused... I couldn't even see the kidnappers face... Oh- he just had a mask on- or she, or they? I can't tell.... they then threw me into a room, and closed the door. My head bonked on some metal, and I passed out.


The room started to shake, and I woke up. It stopped shaking, and I looked up at what I thought was a clock, but was actually just a TV screen.  I looked at what it was saying- and it seems like it said, "ALL STUDENTS COME TO THE STAGE!" I started to leave the room- but then I saw something in the corner of my eye, on the floor, and I grabbed it. It said "DON'T GIVE IN TO MURDER, EVEN IF WHAT THEY SHOW YOU HAS" And then its just scribbled out. Murder? And what are they going to show us??? And there's people that have been here before? I flipped over the page and it said "DONT GIVE IN DONT GIVE IN DONT GIVE IN DONT GIVE IN" Over and over, and then at the bottom it said "IVE GAVEN IN, IM GOING TO KILL TAFFY" I didn't know who taffy is, and I don't know if I should have wanted to.

I opened the door, and saw a- really beautiful landscape, with a dome all around it. The note was probably wrong to be honest, because I don't think anybody could give into murder while looking at this! That note was just a joke. But also- why would I get kidnapped and brought here? My mind was racing. Then somebody tapped me on the shoulder, and I jumped, then turned around. It was spoony! I hugged her, and she said "At least I know that I have one of my friends here." "Anyways spoony, do you know anything about this place? Your a detective, after all." I say. "Nope, I have no idea!" She says "Well I found this note, maybe this could help? It says some stuff about murder, and how you shouldn't give into it. Then they show you something? Whoever 'they' are. And then it seems like the person who wrote this gave into murder?" I show spoony the note. "That just makes me worried about what 'they' are gonna do with us." She says. "That's what I was thinking!" I say. "ALL STUDENTS COME TO THE STAGE" The loudspeaker screams. "Should we go there? Wherever it is?" Spoony says. "Yeah we probably should" We start walking around, hoping to find this 'Stage'. 

"Spoony, we have been walking for hours! Or- I think we have, I don't have my watch. It seems like they took our watches and phones." I say. "Or maybe the stage was outside? We should probably go check there." She says. "Fair point. Lets go check outside." I say, and we start to trying to find the exit to the outside.

We find the exit, and walk out, seeing- what, 14 other people? One of the people say "So we are at 16 people? I don't think there will be anymore people coming...." I saw one of the people blushing? Weird- I couldn't tell who was blushing though, all I saw was somebody's color turning pink. Then smoke started coming out from something that looked like a stage, so I guess we were in the right place. Then a speaker looking thingy, White on one side, black on the other, and had some weird ass devious smile. The speaker looking thing said "That's right wallet! There's only 16 people here!" "Who are you?!?!?!!!???!" A person that looked like a piece of gum says. "I'm MonoAudio." MonoAudio says. To be honest, that name sounded like the name of an audio recorder software. "And you guys are in a killing game! Welcome to the DOME!!!" MonoAudio says. He then puts his hand in the air, kind of pointing at the- wait- wait- WAIT- A KILLING GAME??

(727 WORDS! Whew- this took all day! 300 more than the first part!!!!.)

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