Chapter 5 •°• Good times

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During training, everything was going well... Lou loved sabotaging everyone's attempts to avoid certain obstacles. He loved getting them messy on purpose and putting them in the washer.

"Hey Lou... I need to talk to you." Lydia approached Lou.

"Make it snappy, I still have to supervise everyone." Lou replied not making eye contact.

"You mean sabotage everyone?" Lydia questioned, crossing her arms.

"I'll sabotage you if you keep on talking!" Lou growled at her.

"Okay fine! I was wondering if you knew that the pink ugly thing is still here." Lydia said in a cheeky tone.

"Moxy!? I told her to stay inside!" Lou stomped away angrily.

"Yeah, that's her name. Wait WHAT!?" Lydia yelled after him.

Tuesday and Kitty came to stand next to Lydia.

"Did I hear that correctly? Lou told Moxy to stay inside?" Lydia gasped.

"Moxy is still here!?" Kitty asked, full of joy. She cleared her throat when she saw how Lydia and Tuesday were looking at her. "I mean... g-ross! That ugly piece of chewing gum is still here!? Ew!"

"Anyway, we need to find out more about Lou and Moxy. Are they dating or something?" Tuesday crossed her arms.

"It should be illegal to do so. I mean... Lou, he's a perfect guy and Moxy... she's the definition of ugly." Lydia scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Moxy is cute, optimistic and she never gives up... I... I mean, ugh! You're totally right, Lydia! Moxy is like, super gross." Kitty stared off into the distance.

"Lou should be with one of us... preferably moi! I am the perfect match for Lou!" Tuesday boasted.

"Yeah... if he had escaped from a mental hospital then yeah! You two would totally be the couple of the year." Lydia snickered and Kitty joined in.

"Aww! Thanks you guys! You've always been so supportive!" Tuesday giggled.


Lydia and Kitty were standing by Lou's house waiting for him to send them on another dollnapping mission. Tuesday joined them, wearing a top hat.

"What... are you... wearing?" Kitty asked, trying to hold the laughter in.

"Well Lou said he only dates top dolls. So I thought wearing this top hat would make me a top doll." Tuesday replied smiling, "So... do you like it?"

"It's so absurd!" Lydia blurted out laughing.

"What? What's so funny? Wait... is 'absurd' a good thing?" Tuesday asked taking off the top hat.

"Oh it totally is!" Kitty joined in the laughter.

"Oh I can't wait to win Lou's heart!" Tuesday wore the top hat again.

>>7 minutes later>>

"Tuesday take that stupid hat off!" Lou groaned at her stupidity.

"But I'm a top doll now, why aren't you in love with me?" Tuesday looked at Lou with puppy eyes.

"He is, doll! It just takes time!" Lydia held her stomach because of laughing too much.

☆*/flashback ends/*☆

☆*/another flashback/*☆

Tuesday is sitting all alone on Lou's couch. Having a worried look on her face. Lou enters his house and panics.

"Tuesday!? What are you doing here!? How did you even get in here!?" He screeched.

"What? I was waiting for my husband ofcourse!" She replied smirking.

"But I'm not your husband! We're not even married!" He held his head.

"Sure we are. Remember when I said marry me and you said yes that one time?" She walked over to Lou.

"Tuesday, I'm not gonna lie, I did say yes but only because Kitty asked me if I was thirsty." He answered with a blank expression on his face and pushed Tuesday outside. "Please... never come back here." He slammed the door on her face.

Kitty and Lydia emerged from the shadows, laughing their heads off.

"You two said that would work!" Tuesday groaned angrily.

"It did doll, he touched you didn't he?" Lydia wiped a tear from her eye.

"Oh my gosh! You're right! I'm never washing my uniform ever again!" Tuesday squealed in excitement.

☆*/another flashback ends/*☆

"Yep! Totally supportive!" Tuesday sighed, looking happy as ever.

Lou was now yelling at Moxy for not listening to him. They were in a place where no one could hear them.

"Moxy I told you not to leave the house! Lydia told me that she saw you, did she see you come out of my house? Nevermind... now tell me, how many dolls saw you coming out?" He sighed.

"None actually." She replied, suddenly appearing to be interested in her hand.

"If no one saw you then, how did you get out?" He looked confused and scratched the back of his head.

"Only four simple words Lou, four words." She smirked at him.

"What are you on about exactly?" He leaned on the wall.

"Out. Of. The. Window." She grinned, Lou stood away from the wall and looked at Moxy like she was a psycho.

"Which window exactly?" He felt like screaming.

"Your bedroom window. Sorry but I had to go out somehow. I felt bored, your house is boring. It's like a Lou museum." She said uncomfortably and shrugged. "It's lonely there and not to mention the paintings and statues of you. They are creepy! Although they do capture your good side. Who has that many pictures, paintings, drawings, statues, ornaments, souvenirs, sculptures and shrines of themselves!?"

"First of all, that person is me and second of all, are you calling me creepy? Are you saying that I, Lou, the definition of perfect... is creepy? Third of all, what were you doing in my room!? And lastly... you think they all capture my good side? I mean it's not unusual, all of my sides are my good sides." Lou put a hand on his chest.

"Forget I even said they capture your good side. Now to answer your other questions. Yes... I was in your room, but only because I wanted to use your window since it was positioned by a tree. Yes... you're a total creep, who talks in his sleep and a dork too, who even dances like that? There! I said it!." She smirked and crossed her arms.

"What did you need a tree for?" Lou was dying inside.

"Duh! I needed something to land on when I fell from a high place." Moxy rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you use the kitchen window?" Lou facepalmed.

"I wanted to feel the adrenaline, it helps me feel energized!" Moxy smiled innocently. "And about that stuff I said about you being a creepy dork. I'm not taking it back."

"Oh you will take it back..." Lou said in a vicious tone and smirked. Moxy gulped as the atmosphere became dark and eerie.

Uglydolls •°•A change of heart•°• ♡ Lou x MoxyWhere stories live. Discover now