Henry's Alien Baby

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~Season 5~

Henry and Ray returned from their crime fighting. Ray headed straight for the back, needing to pee. Henry walked over to Jasper, who was playing on his phone. Jasper walked behind Jasper and hugged and kissed him from behind.

"Henry, get your boyfriend to eat something. I'm tired of hearing his stomach growl."

Charlotte demanded. Henry scoffed.

"Baby, come on. You need to eat something."

Henry looked at the auto snacker, but also noticed a jar of what looked like lychees.

"Babe, want some lychees?"

Henry offered.

"Yeah! I wanna try tossing one into your mouth!"

"Okay okay! Come on, you got this!"

Just as Jasper tossed the lychee towards Henry's mouth, Schwoz entered the room and saw Henry catch and start chewing the fruit.


Schwoz yelled as he saw Henry eat the lychee.

"What's your problem, Schwoz?"

Henry asked as he swallowed the food... or what he and Jasper thought was food.

"You just ate an alien egg!!"


Henry and Jasper yelled simultaneously.

"So what does that mean, Schwoz?!"

Henry asked as he started chewing a gumball to get back in his regular clothing.

"It means the egg is gonna hatch inside your stomach and the alien will grow in there until it is time for you to give birth!"

Henry stared at Schwoz and Jasper back and forth, then he looked down at his stomach.



I was freaking out. I was already feeling sick, so Jasper sat with me on the couch in the Man Cave with a puke bucket at my feet. I rested my head on his shoulder and my hands over my belly. I felt Jasper kiss my hair as he gently caressed my cheek with the flat of his nails.

"You okay, baby?"

"Not really. I'm never eating a real lychee again. Now I'm afraid they're all alien eggs."

I told my boyfriend. I felt horrible and just cuddled with Jasper. I could already feel my stomach stretching.

"Henry, come over here. I need to examine you."

Schwoz said. I carefully got up and made my way over to Schwoz's examination table and layed down. He took the scanner and hovered it over my extended stomach. Jasper came over to me and held my hand while Schwoz did whatever he neede to do.

"Okay, Henry... I'm going to need you to lift your shirt enough to show your tummy and I'm gonna feel around and make sure all is fine."

Schwoz tells me.

"Really? Can't you do that when I don't feel like I'm gonna throw up?"

"Yeah, sure."

I didn't think he'd actually let me hold off for a bit.

"Wanna go back to the couch, babe?"

Jasper asked. I shook my head no.

"Can you bring the bucket over here though?"

I asked as I turned over on my side, wrapping my arms around my stomach. Jasper came back over and I felt him run his hand through my hair. I felt my stomach turn more as I covered my mouth, letting Jasper know I was gonna be sick. He quickly picked up the bucket and held it for me as I began wretching in it. After a minute or two, I was done vomiting. I waited for my stomach to chill out before I let Schwoz press on it.


After awhile, my stomach did eventually calm down enough to let Schwoz finish the examination.


I yelled for him.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, finally stopped feeling nauseous."

I said as I lifted my yellow flannel shirt.

"Okay. I'll try not press too hard."

I nodded and relaxed, letting Jasper play with my hair. Schwoz felt pressed around my stomach, feeling for I don't know what. Once he was done, Jasper helped me up and off the examination table.

"Okay, everything looks good."

Schwoz said.

"Great. Now, when can I get this thing out of me?"

"Probably this time tomorrow."

I was ready for this thing to be out of me now. The feeling of my stomach stretching grossed me out. I layed back on the couch with my boyfriend, letting him rub my stomach as we cuddled.


The next day, I woke up and saw how much bigger my stomach was. I decided to wear a big hoodie today. Hopefully I was able tonget ride of this alien today. I ran into Piper on my porch and she could tell something was up with me.

"Uhh... you okay, Hen? You look.... different."

I rolled my eyes and made my hoodie tighten around my belly, showing her that I was pregnant.

"Oh my God! Are you pregna-"


I said, covering her mouth quickly so no one could hear.

"Yes, I am. I ate an alien egg, thinking it was a lychee. You coming with me to work?"

Never thought I'd ask Piper to come with me.

"Yeah, let's go!"

We got to the Man Cave and I was breathing heavily. I made my way over to Jasper on the couch and took off my hoodie. I wanted to leave it on because my black and red flannel shirt didn't cover my entire stomach, but it was way too hot and I was in too much pain.

"Woah, babe, you okay?"

Jasper asked me as I kinda fell on him.

"No. My stomach is killing me."

Schwoz ran over to me and put his ear to my stomach, making me uncomfortable.

"It is time for you to give birth!"

Not gonna finish, y'all have seen what happens with Ray, same thing, etc.

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