Main Characters -OMGitsfirefoxx-

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OMGitsfirefoxx -Sonja-

 (Season One): As one of the followers of Mianite, Sonja followed Tucker in his opposition of Tom and the other Dianite followers. Though Tucker often fought with Tom and Jordan, Sonja was content to do her duty to Mianite and leave well enough alone. She was praised by Dec, the priest, for being good to the land of Mianite and avoiding bloodshed. Sonja often lived in Tucker's shadow, hardly ever being noticed by Mianite. As a result, she took the deal offered by a menacing being called "The Shadow." She fulfilled her end of the bargain by stealing Tom's favorite possession, a fish named Merloin. She received a gift for her efforts; the Mianite armor lost by Tucker. She kept it a secret from her boyfriend, hiding it away in a secret chest. Sonja was adamant in the quest to save Ianite and accompanied the others to her realm.

 (Season Two): In season two, Sonja took a change of pace by living separately from Tucker. She dug into Thaumcraft when the taint took over, using it to protect her own house as well as the town. Though she was given a home in the city, she remained in her house outside of the town, protecting it from the taint even when others had given up. After the taint threat was over, she stuck with Thaumcraft, becoming more advanced than any of the other heroes. Due to them being neighbors, she mostly kept the company of Waglington. When the heroes fought to overthrow Helgrind, she played an important part in the deception of Al (a general who was fond of her) and the discovery of Inertia by getting him drunk. When Mianite reappeared, Sonja was disappointed to find that Mianite did not recognize, or even acknowledge her. This prompted a waver in her faith in him that has not been settled. When Mot reappeared in the world, he sought her out. He reveled in the fact that she was so similar to his adopted daughter, Alyssa; who happens to be Sonja's alter-ego known as "Country Bat."

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