Xavier's pov 

I woke up to my alarm which was to 5am.  I took a shower and started to get ready for school. I put on some black cargo pants and a red t-shirt with a black hoodie with a white stitching of a spider. When I went to the kitchen to make myself some eggs I found my father Vincent Thorpe a famous business man. " Morning boy. I just wanted to stop by before leaving for France." " Okay see you when you get back." I grabbed a premade smoothie from the fridge and left for school. When I go to my homeroom after putting my things in my locker I sat in the seat as yesterday. I saw Wednesday sitting with her earbuds in writing in her notebook. I decided to do the same so I put on my earbuds and started drawing in my sketchbook.

                  Wednesday's pov
I woke up to my alarm and fed Thing. Then I got ready for school. I chose to wear black jeans, white button up with a black vest on top. I put on my Doc Martens, then did my hair in two braids. When I walked to the dinning table for breakfast I was met with a sight that made me what to gouge out my eyes then stab myself. Pugsley was sitting at the table completely unaffected eating his oatmeal. Not wanting to be there| I grabbed a breakfast sandwich and ate it on my way to school. When I walked into homeroom I was met with one Enid Sinclair raving about my outfit how it was cute but needed more color. I sat down next to the window as lastime. While I was listening to music as I was writing i day with the corner of my eye Thorpe walking in and sitting right next to me. He pulled out his own notebook and started doing whatever he was doing I could care less.
               Time skip ( Enid's pov )
Ajax and i walked into the luck room and sat down where we saw Wednesday sitting and eating her salad. "Hey! How did you classes go?" " Fine" she was completely emotionless unlike me, I'm always bright and outgoing. If kinda threw me off when she threatened Xavier yesterday. I saw Xavier looking for a place to sit and me being the person I am motioned him to sit with us. "Hey Ajax, hello Enid.. Addams." " Hey man nice hoodie." "Hi Xavier!"

                       Xavier's pov
" Hey Ajax, hello Enid.. Addams." "Hey man nice hoodie." " Hi Xavier!" I glanced at Addams but she acted like we weren't there. We continued to eat our lunch Ending talking nonstop. As much as I respect her it does get a bit overwhelming. I decided I was done talking so I put my music on. The day went pretty slow today the only thing that was actually  interesting was how Addams read the book we where starting ELA.  When she started reading all the kids looked at her weirdly, I don't blame them she shows no emotion on her feature and in her voice. They seemed weirded out, on the contrary I enjoyed hearing her read. Every word she read i found captivating. "Bye guys see you tomorrow. Bye Addams." "Bye man see you tomorrow" " Bye Xavier have a great rest of your day!" Addams just gave me a head nod and walked out ignoring Enid, but what else can you expect. While I was walking home I saw Addams up a head, deciding to catch up with her i started to light jog. When I caught up with her i didn't say anything mostly because there was nothing to be said.  When I arrived home I noticed she kept going I wondered how far her house is from mine. Without a second thought in went into my art room and started to paint a spider spinning its web. After a couple hours I decided to go to bed deciding on skipping dinner.

                   Wednesday's pov
On my way to my house I noticed Thorpe walking beside me, but I decided to ignore his presence. Continuing to listen to my music I continued walking waiting untill he when into one of the drive ways. Eventually after about twenty minutes he did. Finally I was embraced by solitude one again. When I made it home I made a bee line to my room and closed the door. I gently scratched Thing on on the head , then i went onto my balcony with my Celo and started playing. After playing for some time I started my home work then on my novel. Around 6pm I headed to the dinning room to pickup my dinner knowing what was to be expected of  my parents. After I finished my dinner I got ready for bed washing my face and brushing my teeth. I changed in a all black pajama set and took out my braids, my hair flowing down to where my waist is.  Pugsley  knocked on my door say good night, wishing  him happy nightmares I went to bed.

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