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"Baron Draxum does not surrender."

Leo sighed, annoyed. "Okay, well, when he gets here-- we'll deal with him-" He stopped what he was saying mid-sentence in realization of what Baron meant. "Oh, ho, ho, I see! You're doing that whole 'sinister talking in third person' thing."

Raph audibly gasped, flipping off the rubble angrily. "Only Raph can use the first person! Alright guys, time to put our training to good use!"

All the turtles but Leo sprung into action, "What training? You guys have been training??" Leo asked, astonished as he joined his brothers.

The fighting then continued, you slightly hissing at the pain mostly in your arms, thats where most of the scratches were. 

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The fighting went on for a few seconds or so before the turtles weapons starting having magical abilities. Mikey's weapon seemed to have a powerful force of flight and fire, Raph had super strength (even more with his weapon), and Leo had portal abilities, it seemed as though Donnie just had his big brain (forehead) as a superpower.

'I would act surprised but at this point, I'm don't fucking care.' 

The powers seemed to backfire on the turtles, and Baron took notice of this.

"You fight like untrained buffoons, " He said, watching as the turtles struggled with their new found mystical powers. "But under me, you could become true warriors!"

He then threw some sort of green webs at April and the turtles, trapping them. 

"Hey! Let them go!" You yelled, death glaring at Baron.

He only turned around to scoff at you, as he turned back the the turtles. 

As he did, you noticed that Donnie was trying to figure out something, so you tried to keep Baron's attention on you.

"Hey Godzilla!" You said, Baron looking back at you. "You seem to sense this.. what did you call it? Fire? You seem to sense this fire in me, correct?"

Baron nodded as you heard technical electricity crackling from above.

"What if I let you mutate me and I work for you, huh?" You suggested, though you would never and were only trying to distract him.

He seemed to think for a moment, grabbing one of the mosquitos from the wall, walking up to your cage.

"Yea... that's right! C'mere." You said, grinning mischievously.

He put his hand into the cage, holding the mosquito as if he was about to inject the mutagen... 

"Hey, I don't know if this is a part of your plan Baron but your lab's about to explode!" Donnie yelled, the team freaking out.

Baron pulled his hand out, looking above at his lab, his eyes widening in shock.

Suddenly, it exploded, a rock landing right on Baron. 

"Aw, nuts." This was the last words you heard from Baron as the rock seemed to crush him.

The lab cut in two, the mosquitos being released from their containment. A pipe fell on you and the creature's cage as you yelped and the creature teleported you to April and the turtles.

"Little guy! Y/n!" April exclaimed as the turtles were yelling in panic. 

"Hey bud, do your thing as get us out of here, will ya?" You asked the creature, smiling.

𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now