Entry 5

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Dear Y'all,

There's still no roomate for me, y'all, and I'm gettin' kinda depressed. No, I shouldn't say that, last person who said that here dropped dead Monday. Now I don't mean dead dead, I mean fledgling dead, ya know? When like, the fledgling don't make it and they die. So yeah... I guess they're dead. But still, dead dead is when you're like a human and you die... so you're dead. But then us fledglings, we're like, already dead, ya know? Okay, all this death talk is really depressing me further, so I'm gonna go talk about yesterday.

So yeah, yesterday I was walking about on my own, like people these days so, and I walked past the tree. Ya know, the tree? The one outside that's like, really really big and good old Neffy (my nickname for Neferet) likes to do her naked dances around... fine, fine, naked rituals then. So yeah, I was walking past that tree and like,  heard something. Someone was shouting, so I was like, GOTTA HELP 'EM! So I was like, lookin' around, like ya do when ya here someone shoutin', but I didn't see anyone. So then I got this panicked thought, what if it was that dead chick who died but not died on Monday? What if my depressing emotions were catching up with me and I was about to die! There is only one problem with that, the tree sounded male... wait, do trees have genders?

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again y'all!

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