Three (3) 2/2

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like 5300 words ahead. Sorry, things got a little outta hand

still didn't proofread tho


It is a quiet afternoon, where the three brothers are the only people at home.

Sally had announced that she was going out to buy some things in town, barely being able to part from his omega before leaving and Phil had offered to accompany her, also needing to visit the market to get some ingredients for a new recipe. Techno is busy making preserves with the few fruits that were still left at home, Wilbur is resting on the sofa, running his hands over his belly, while he sees and feels his pup move, and Tommy is dozing in Phil's room, without even knowing that his father was out. The story would be another if it had been Techno who had left. The pup can't seem to live without his eldest brother.

A few days after getting to seven months in the calendar, Wilbur feels so many things that he doesn't know where to start listing them. Early in the pregnancy, terror had gripped him, some part of his mind convincing him that he would never see this moment. Now, a very conscious witness to the roundness and firmness of his abdomen, and the active movements of the beloved pup inside, about like three months away from birth, Wilbur feels almost incredulous that he is really here.

"Hey Wil, do you know where the wooden spoon is?"

The omega looks at the little table on which he has his feet proped up. On the furthest corner lies the needed tool.

"Yeah, it's here. But you'll have to come get it because I'm not going to get up."

He can hear footsteps from the kitchen coming up behind him, going around the sofa to reach the coffee table.

"Why in the world was it there?" Inquires the alpha, leaning down to take the utensil.

"I think I saw Tommy licking jam off of it last night before leaving it there. You should wash it well."

The alpha exhales through his nose, examining the spoon before looking at his twin. His expression changes instantly.

"Wilbur? Are you okay?"

Ha, the question that had irritated their father so much when Tommy was imminent. Now that he is the one in that position, he can understand his father's annoyance at both's insistence back then. Although for Wilbur it hasn't been half as bad, when he is not one of those who ask, and Sally is not nearly as insistent with the question. She prefers to pay attention to him before questioning, and is much better at sensing his emotions without even having to speak. That's why Wilbur finds it a bit unusual how his alpha seems to have been unaware of his uncomfortable air all day.

"False contractions." He responds with a grimace on his face, caressing his abdomen in the futile hope of easing the discomfort a bit. "They fucking suck, but I guess they aren't as bad as-"

A startled gasp stops his words, and Techno raises an eyebrow in confusion, at his expression and his gasp. Wilbur can feel his face turn pale instantly.

"Wil?" Techno looks worried, staring at him.

His right hand clings to one of the cushions, breathing rapidly and pressing lightly on his abdomen.

"I-I think that was my-my water?!" He exclaims in agitation, wanting to get up from the damp furniture but too terrified to really look and confirm.

"What? What does that mean?"

"Pup's coming!"

"W- Now?! Isn't it like, three months too early for that?"

"Y-yes?! I don't fucking know, tell that to my child!" He retorts, panic dominating his words. "F-fuck, help me get up."

The Pups Of The Minecraft Household (SBI Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now