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Gon pov

I followed the group back to their school, which was apparently called Yuuei, and they went inside, I stood outside because even though I could easily scale the barrier walls, they wouldn't want me to. Along the way we'd picked up Alluka because Killua told her to run away from the fight.

They went inside with Alluka, who must've gotten a property pass or something, while I held the monsters and soon a very small Chimera Ant thing emerged from the building. I jumped back and my eyes hardened, ready to fight.

Out of reflex, I tightened the skin on my forehead so that, if need be, I could headbutt the thing.

Nezu pov

I heard about the kid wanting to talk to me and went down to greet him. Which was what I would've done if the kid hasn't jumped back and assumed a ready-to-fight stance.

His eyes had hardened, going from curious amber eyes to world-weary black.

I felt as if I was in severe danger, so I put my paws up to show innocence, or more likely retreat, but I still had to talk to him, and besides, meeting the white haired boy was worse.

Me: What in the everloving fuck has this kid been through that THAT is his first reaction?

I continued walking towards him and as I did, he didn't release his guard, but he at least didn't look like he was ready to kill me... Maybe. I was soon close enough to hold conversation.

Me: "Am I a dog, a rat, or a bear? More importantly, I'm principal Nezu! You must be Gon."

Gon: "I am. Are you a Chimera Ant?"

That caught me off guard. I mean, I am a Chimera, but an ant? I'm not small enough for that. And the white haired kid had not asked that either.

Me: "A what now?"

Gon: "That's a no, then. where are we going?"

Me: "To my office. Follow me."

Gon pov

Nezu turned around and walked towards the building, so I went with him. We walked through the empty halls until we got to his office, walking through an uncharacteristically large door for even normal human standards, though considering the Zoldycks were the way they were, I was just glad the door wasn't that big.

We got inside the office and Nezu sat at his desk. I chose to keep standing.

Nezu: "Now, why do you have a bunch of nomus?"

Me: "I was escaping with some people going to rescue Bakugo when I smelled death, so considering I was with people who called themselves 'villains', I thought maybe these monsters were part of their recruits. They also didn't seem to have a lot of brain activity so I killed them, because by secondhand experience, anything that smells like death and has muscles with little brain activity means they're strong."

Nezu: "Right, and why were you there with my students in the first place?"

Me: "We were teleported to your camp by Alluka to escape Killua's and her family. We stopped the villains and captured some but Bakugo and I were kidnapped. I distracted them until the heroes came and on the way back I caught these things."

Nezu: "How did you distract them?"

Me: "Talked to them about what the Known World is like, how not even their Master would survive for a minute, told them about times I escaped death, you know the drill."

Nezu: "Their Master being All For One? Why wouldn't he survive? And what do you mean 'Known World'?"

Me: "Yeah, he and the blondie slugging it out over there are only about half as strong as I am, and there were many people stronger than I am who wanted to kill me before Kurapika killed them. Also we're from another universe."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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