19: Kokomi

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„ Well, we'll see you boys tomorrow morning for coffee, won't we?", Kazuha's mom said smiling.
„ And Kazuha, I have a surprise for you tomorrow, and I think you will love it!", Kazuha's dad said grinning.
„ Bye! It was nice meeting both of you!", Heizou said smiling.

Once Kazuha's parents were out of sight, Heizou held Kazuha's hand.
„ Finally no more acting like best friends!", Heizou said smiling, „ So, should we head home?"
„ Sure!", Kazuha said.

As both of them arrived in their flat, they both got dressed into hoodies and their pajama bottoms, and then, they both lay on Heizou's bed.
Heizou had Kazuha in their arms, while kissing him all over his cheek.

„ You know something, Heizou?", Kazuha asked.
„ What?", Heizou asked.

„ I wonder how my parents would react if I did come out!", Kazuha said, „ Sometimes, I wonder if it would be better if they would have nothing to do with me. But at the same time, I don't ever want to be abandoned!"

„ I guess your parents will eventually find out some day....whenever we get married!", Heizou said winking their eye.

Kazuha blushed.
„ Wow, you already have our  future planned, Heizou!", Kazuha laughed.
„ Of course I do!", Heizou laughed as they kissed Kazuha's lips.

The next morning, Heizou and Kazuha headed to the meeting place to meet Kazuha's parents.
After around 20 minutes of waiting, they saw both of them walk towards them.

But there was something unusual.

A girl was walking next to Kazuha's dad. She had bright hair, that was tied in two buns. She was wearing a pink dress with strawberries on, with a white skirt, white fishnet tights and black shoes.

„ Hey guys!", Kazuha said smiling, „ Who is this?"
„ This is Kokomi!", Kazuha's dad said, „ And since you weren't making any move with girls, your mom and I decided to help you out!"

Kazuha's eyes opened widely.
Now, his parents were trying to set their son up with a girl.
They seemed to be obsessed with the idea of Kazuha having a girlfriend.

„ A week after you moved out to go to college, this young girl moved into the house next to our house!", Kazuha's mom explained, „ Funny enough, she is now studying at your university. So we brought her along...and turns out that she is interested in dating you!"

Kazuha awkwardly smiled.

He turned around to Kokomi.
„ Kokomi, I'm sorry to say this, but...you look like a kind girl!", he said, „ But I'm not looking for a relationship!"

„ Nonsense!", Kazuha's dad laughed, „ You are terrible at speaking to girls, son!"

Kazuha sighed and didn't bother saying a word.
Kokomi came along with Kazuha's parents, Kazuha and Heizou to drink the coffee.

Kazuha didn't bother open his mouth. He wanted his parents to know that he was angry at them.
Why couldn't his parents understand that Kazuha didn't want to turn out like them?

After a few minutes of silence, Kokomi walked up to Kazuha.
„ Hey, can I talk to you privately?", she asked.
„ Sure!", Kazuha nervously said.

Kazuha's dad raised his eye brows.
„ There son! That's my boy!", he said grinning.

Kazuha and Kokomi headed outside the coffee shop.
„ So, what's up?", Kazuha asked.
„ I'm so sorry about this!", Kokomi apologized, „ I can see that our feelings about each other our mutual. We are not interested in dating each other!"

Kazuha smiled.
„ My parents don't even know that I am taken!", Kazuha laughed.

Kokomi laughed.
„ Me too! I have a long distance girlfriend called Sara!", Kokomi said, „ And I told your parents that I have a girlfriend. But they accused me of lying, and said that since I was coming here to study, they would bring me along and introduce me to you!"

Kazuha sighed.
„ My parents are sadly homophobic!", he said, „ Heizou, the person who came along with me, he is my partner. But I could never tell my parents that. And they just want me to find the girl of my dreams in college and get married at a young age and then start a family...just like they did!"

Tears rolled down Kazuha's face.
Kokomi put her hand on Kazuha's shoulder.

„ Look, this may sound like something you wouldn't want to do, and I completely understand that!", she said, „ But you should come out to your parents. Even if they end up leaving, it's for the best. If you don't do it, they might even eventually force you to get married to someone you don't even love!"

Kazuha smiled.
„ Maybe...you're right! I should do it!", Kazuha said after a few seconds, „ Tonight, my partner is cooking the dinner, and my parents are coming over! I will tell them then!"

Kokomi smiled.

„ I'm proud of you!", she said, „ Trust me, it'll all be ok!"

Kazuha knew that coming out may change his life forever. But he knew that he had his friends by his side to support him.

And of course, his partner who would stay by his side.

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