Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

I walked down the hall of our prestigious all girls school. I survey my surroundings.

Sitting in the corner huddled together talking about books were the nerds.

The girls giggling down the hall beside the doorway were the stupid but sporty blonds.

Mean? Judgmental? I know. But I can't help thinking these things. The hierarchy and grouping of people are just too much to ignore and I'm not criticising any of the groups. Being a nerd is cool. Same goes with being those stupid but sporty blonds. I'm just stating facts. People naturally hang out in groups similar to them.

I break from my stream of thoughts when I see Bella, one of my closest friends. I smile and she smiles back.

I feel my heart flutter.


Arrggggg!! I wish I'd stop feeling like this whenever I'm with her.

I don't know when it started, but overtime I've just developed a strong attraction to her. She is smart, kind and a little bit shy, which makes her absolutely adorable. And the sweet scent she emits does not help. I swear she uses perfume, but she insists not. Omg, okay I need to stop thinking these thoughts!

"Hey!" I squeak. Did that come out too unnatural, flustered and forced?

"Hey! Have you finished Asylum?" She questions, oblivious to my overworking heart.

"N-no, N-not yet..." I stutter. Embarrassed, I start flapping my arms and giggling. Weird but that's just what I do when I'm nervous!

"Omg stop it, you are not a duck or chicken. Stop flapping your arms!"

I stop. Any more shaming and I will really go dig a hole and hide in it.

"Good" she says with satisfaction and looks at me smiling.

I feel so self-conscious. Do I look good? Is there a ribbon in my hair? Do I have any food on my face?

"Did you dye your hair?"

"What?" I question, snapping out of my train of questions.

"D-i-d y-o-u d-y-e y-o-u-r h-a-i-r ?" I hang to every syllable pronounced, afraid she'll get annoyed at my constant inattentiveness and absent-minded thoughts.

I took me a few moments before I processed what she had said.

"Uh y-yeah?"

She smiles. My heart speeds up. "Thought your hair looked different".

She noticed. She noticed my hair! I am currently dancing on cloud nine. I could cry from happiness right now. But I don't. I don't want to seem weird. Especially in front of her.

I just grin. "Took you long enough to notice! I expect better of you Bella, you should have noticed the moment you saw me!!" I chimed, trying to cover my euphoric state.

She rolls her eyes. At least tries to, she always ends up moving her eyes to the upper left corner instead of rolling her eyes 180 degrees.

I titter at her attempt.

"I have bad eyesight, not my fault!" She cries.

"Sure, stop making excuses!"

"Omg, I'm not!!! Oh well, I need to go to class now. BYYEEEEEE!!"

Why is she so cute. Her bye is just too much.



Hey Guys!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. We are still amateur writers so we appreciate feedback! The plot may seem quite dull with just a dialogue in this chapter but we promise it'll get better! Please don't make your judgment of this book just quite yet! We update quite often, once or twice per week? It depends on the amount of work we have.

Thank you!

Happy_is_me & Sharks05

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