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Name: Alanza Danilo

Age: 14

Birthday: March 29th

Cloud: Void

Sub-Cloud: Classic

Region: Primelia

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Song producer: Owata-P

Illustrator: Agatha

Zodiac sign: Aries

Birthstone: Aquamarine


Important relationship(s):

~Sefton Danilo/Strange Dark (Twin brother)

~Sunda Tellman/Toluene (Captor)

~Unnamed parents (Status unknown)



~Alanza and her brother Sefton were kidnapped by Sunda when they were 3 years old.

~Ever since their abduction, Sunda has kept the two locked in her house, and likes to perform bizarre experiments with their help (sometimes this involves the twins simply assisting her, while other times, they're the ones being experimented on.)

~Unlike Sefton, Alanza doesn't seem to want to leave Sunda's grasp. In fact, she's actually comfortable with her living conditions (even with all the experiments.) Initially, she only complied with all of Sunda's orders as a way to survive. But now, Sefton believes that she's somehow started to like Sunda.

~Because of her good behavior, Sunda sometimes lets Alanza upstairs for short periods of time. However, she only does this at night, and won't allow her to pull up the blinds on the windows.

~Alanza has gone as far as to snitch on her brother for doing bad things, even if he never actually did anything, which almost always results in Sunda hurting him. But Alanza doesn't seem to care all that much about him. She only wants to make sure that Sunda is pleased.

~Neither Alanza nor Sefton have a proper education, as Sunda won't allow them to attend school. They can read somewhat and can do very basic math, but that's all they've got.

And here's her song!

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