XY 124.2: Advancing to Kalos

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(Author Note: This is loosely placed between XY 124 & 125 (XYZ31 & 32) which is right before the Lumiose Conference but after the eighth badge and everything. They treat it as if Ash and co just arrived at Lumiose City, as in they got there the day of, I'm just making it so that they were able to make it back to Lumiose City a few days beforehand which allows for rest, etc, and since the stadium is still a bit a ways from Lumiose Tower the opening for XY125 is just as in they traveled the city to get there)


"Why are we at the Airport again? I thought we needed to help prepare Ash for the Kalos League" Bonnie said

"Bonnie you need to pay closer attention," Clemont said "Two of Ash's friends from his travels are coming to Lumiose City, it's only right for him to greet them"

Ash however was keeping an eye out for his friends while holding a box

"What's that Ash?" Serena asked referring to the box he was holding

"Oh one of my friends really likes to eat so I thought that they should try Lumiose Galettes," Ash said opening the box a little for Serena to see

"That's nice of you," Serena said 'It'll be good to meet more of Ash's friends to see more of what kind of person he is like'

"Ash!" a voice yelled out as two figures ran toward them

"May! Max!" Ash said as May and Max got into closer view

'She's so pretty! Ash was traveling with her!'

Max ran and hugged Ash almost making him fall over "Hey Max" Ash said as Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and onto May's and nuzzled into her

"Oh Pikachu I missed you too," May said operating Pikachu as well "Hey Ash!"

"Hey May, why is Max in a huggy mood?"

"You've left me alone with her," Max said as May looked irritated "Princess of Hoenn more like the pain of Hoenn" he whispered to Ash as he chuckled at the sibling love

"He's just missed traveling and blames me for it," May said

"May, Max, these are my friends I made in the Kalos Region, guys this is May and her little brother Max we traveled through Hoenn and Kanto together"

"Hi I'm Max" Max said
"And I'm his sister May, nice to meet you," May said

"And I'm Clemont, and this has my little sister Bonnie"
"Nice to meet ya!" Bonnie said as Dedenne popped out her bag "And this is Dedenne"


"I'm Serena I've known Ash since we were kids," Serena said
Clemont was confused by that addition as Bonnie started to notice what was happening

"That's so cool I need to know a lot more about little Ash," May said nudging Ash playfully as Serena feels her plan backfire

"Oh I got these for you two," Ash said handing them the box

"What are these?" May asked as she opened the box "Yes!" as she stuffed one in her mouth "Delicious!"

"Oh these are the Galette things, May was reading about them on the plane ride," Max said as he bit into one "It's very good" as May grabbed another "May I think the rest of the box is for the Pokemon"

"Oh right," May said

"Let's get out of the airport to let the Pokemon have some fresh air" Clemont suggested which they all agreed to they got into more of the city and there was enough space now

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