the day we met..

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~Shuki's Pov~


As I was walking to the market in the village I had noticed that everyone was staring at me I kept my head down and didn't say a word I mean how could I, I was mute! but luckily I always kept a pen and paper with me to write to people so they could understand me I had become mute when I was about 5 or 6 from some kids in my home town but here I am standing in the supermarket of my old town I had wished I would never have to come back here but my grandma had fallen deathly ill so I came back to help take care of her but now I'm about to get harassed with again as soon as I look up I get dragged into an ally way and shoved against the wall I will admit it kind of hurt as I let out a groan only making the boys give me some smug looks like they were satisfied by me groaning?! one of the boys grabbed my chin and made me look at him it was one of the worst things that I was wishing wouldn't happen I was face to face with kai?! I thought he moved away with his grandparents!! they must have moved back after I had left the town I started shaking while looking at kai he just smirked at me and pulled me close whispering in my ear making shivers go down my spine "welcome back princess I'm going to have fun now that my play things back in town~" with that he told the guys to let me go and him and his little gang walked away leaving me to tear up in the ally way on the ground after a while I realized what had just happened and grabbed my things and ran to my grandma's house I knew that they were going to try to do something to her they always try to find new ways to hurt me god please be ok grandma.


~Narrator Pov~

As Shuki closed in on her grandma's house she started to see a big yellow orangish glow coming from the house as soon as Shuki saw the glow she knew what it was Fire Shuki started running faster hoping it was all in her imagination and that her grandma was ok but as soon as Shuki saw her grandma's house she started crying and tried running in but got stopped by someone she struggled to get out of this persons grip but eventually gave up and started sobbing the person turned Shuki around and hugged her she just sobbed into the persons chest after a bit she looked up and it was kai he looked mortified but also super sad and hurt Shuki instantly started to try and push away from kai but gave up kai looked down at Shuki and bent down enough to get on her level holding onto her shoulders speaking softly to Shuki "do you trust me or are you scared of me?" just before Shuki was going to answer she then felt a sharp pain in her stomach and looked down kai had stabbed her in the stomach she started to stagger away scared and trying not to make the wound worse before she could get away kai pushed her to the ground and took out the knife stabbing her over and over again until she started to black out before she lost consciousness he leaned down and whispered in Shuki's ear "be careful darling you can't  trust anyone.."


~Shuki's Pov~

I woke up in a cold sweat and started to tear up a bit what was that? why did kai stab me... and don't trust anyone? whatever its time to get up anyway I can smell mom making food I got up and went downstairs after getting dressed of course my mother was the one who greeted me "good morning darling! how did ya sleep?" my mom said while setting some stew on the table for me I smiled and bowed my head to my mom and gave a thumbs up I then sat down and ate the stew quickly rushing out the door with my bag waving to my parents knowing I would be late if I stayed any longer as soon as I started walking on my usual flower path I felt a shove from the side causing me to fall into the mud ruining my white dress and causing some small cuts on my legs and arms from some rocks in the mud I fell on I winced at the pain and tried to ignore the person who pushed me just then someone grabbed my chin and made me look at him it was Kai?! damnit why?! kai just started chuckling then got close to my face and whispered "just you wait once your grandma and parents die you're going to be begging for my forgiveness" kai gave me a smirk then shoved my face away from him as he walked away, I started shaking and whipped away my eyes and got up brushing my dress off and started walking to school. After what seemed like forever, I made it and as soon as I walked in the whispering began everyone saying, "Oh look the witch is here..." "no wonder her grandmas sick! look at her clothes!" I just ignored them and went to class sitting in the back I started reading and then everyone threw paper balls at my head just then somebody came behind me and pulled my hair making me look at him it was kai again he just smirked at me then let my hair go and laughing at me with the rest of the class I sunk my head down into my arms on the desk fuck why does he have to always bother me so much.. thankfully the bell will ring soon and maybe I'll be home free... just then I felt something hit my head I pick my head up and see a note crumbled up on my desk I grab it and open the note "Get out Of Our town witch!!" God why can't they just leave me alone... just then the bell rings and I grab my things and run out of the class and outside into the woods I soon stopped and took a second to catch my breath and started walking again where should I go to now maybe to the lake? yea let's go to the lake! after a while of walking, I finally got to the lake, and it was looking absolutely gorgeous. the water was a beautiful greenish blue color, and it was almost crystal clear. I took off my dress only having my bra and underwear on, and I jumped in swimming in the beautiful warm water after swimming for a while I finally got out and put of my dress and grabbed my bag leaving the magnificent lake walking home to meet my parents yet again just to repeat everything all over again tomorrow. =================================================================

~Narrator's Note~

Hello everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book and there will be more to come along the way, so I thank you all for being so patient with me and hope you all enjoy my story's I LOVE YOU GUYS <33

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