(21)Same Page

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Jennie was already there when Lisa got to the café they had agreed to meet in. It wasn't Lisa's first choice-she had wanted to talk to Jennie in her own home, but her bodyguard had stubbornly refused to meet unless it was at premises outside of her home. Also, since it was the next day, Jennie was technically no longer her bodyguard but Lisa wasn't going to let it be. Jennie is still her bodyguard.

"What would you like to have?" Jennie inquired as soon as she sat down. "It's my treat today."

Lisa was surprised by the gummy smile on Jennie's face. Why was her bodyguard acting all friendly again? Did she have split personality or something?


"Alright. Anything else?" Jennie asked as she stood.

"New York cheesecake."

"Okay. I'll be right back."

Lisa sat back and watched as Jennie headed to the counter to place the order. Why was she acting so differently? She had been friendly and polite enough back at the house but it felt as though there were a solid wall between them. Here in this café, it felt almost as though they were on a date. Her eyes took in the rugged denim jeans hanging on Jennie's hips, ending shortly after her knees. Her Jennie's slim but toned calves tapered into bare ankles and a pair of sporty white sneakers. Something about the look warmed her heart. Her brown eyes then climbed back up in appreciation to observe the plaid shirt hanging off shoulders that Lisa wanted to put her arms around. Damn. Where did that thought come from.

Lisa looked away when Jennie turned her body and focused on the cup of coffee on the table. It looked like cappuccino. Jennie liked sweeter things, she thought, remembering the packets of sweets she had seen Jennie eating before. She was bit like a kid in that aspect. But nothing like a kid when it come to everything else.

A steaming cup of coffee and a plate of cheesecake were placed on the table.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Jennie asked after taking her seat.

"No," Lisa replied as she cut out a piece of the cake with her fork. "Do you wanna try some?" she asked, holding out the cake on her fork.

"If you don't mind," said Jennie.

Before Lisa could hand the fork over, Jennie had already held her hand and put the cake into her mouth. She stared, empty fork hanging in the air, as Jennie chewed with a smile.

"It's very smooth." Jennie gave a nod to affirm her review. "It's good."

"What are you trying to do?" Lisa asked at last.

"What am I trying to do?"

"This. Smiling. Buying me coffee. Eating my cake."

"If you don't want me to eat your cake, don't offer it."

Lisa leaned back and crossed her arms. "You're up to something. You obviously know what I meant but you're acting dodgy."

"I'm like this when I'm off duty." Jennie smiled. "And since I'm not your bodyguard anymore, I can be my usual self."

"About that. I won't accept your resignation."

Jennie shook her head. "I didn't resign."

"Stop playing around with words. You know what I meant."

Jennie sighed and leaned forward on her elbows. "I didn't resign. My contract with your father will only run for as long as your life is in mortal danger. Now that the main threat has been arrested, the contract is effectively over. Your father tried to extend the contract too. He's willing to offer me very attractive pay and terms so it's not his fault that I rejected his offer."

MY BODYGUARD /JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now