🦖❤️‍🩹⭐️ 😭

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Diego POV
Freinds leaving, broken heart, traumatizing events, death of parents...these are things you can't get rid of like a infection in the brain each passing second is like knives stabbing you in the heart fearing one day you'll be alone with no one by your side no one who cares no one that will help you in hard times or let you cry on there shoulder when a day was tough all those feelings...bottled up inside one place in the heart you feel like crying in a dark corner alone wanting to withdraw from the world..

I went into a corner near a shack during the break before the next stage and had a mental break down

Johnny POV
Wheeling down a path very bored I heard crying noises it definitely wasn't a girl or a kid but wasn't deep ether I wheeled towards the direction and suddenly my heart dropped when I saw one and only Diego Brando..crying?
He looks hurt and depressed I wonder why
Why do I feel so ya know like wanting to comfort him...I thought I hated him but it hurts seeing him like that I understand the feeling...

I got out of my wheelchair and crawled over to Diego that was in the corner hugging his knees to his chest like it was the only thing Diego could hold so pulling myself next to him I tell you it's not easy -_-

Diego POV
I hugged my knees tightly to my chest ignoring sounds around me not wishing to let go then I felt a touch of warmth on my hand..I didn't notice someone was there I peeked out a little I was shocked that it was Johnny Joestar..
I'm kinda embarrassed that he's seeing me in this state he was my first crush after all but I never admitted it to anyone

Johnny POV
Diego's head came up a little I could see that his usually reptilian eyes are bloodshot from crying I put my hand on his for comfort I don't know why I'm doing this but ig I had an urge inside me that wanted to..he pulled his head out fully showing all his facial features very..uhh wet and tried looking but in some way still handsome I scooted closer to him now touching shoulder to shoulder

Diego POV
Lifting my head fully up we now have eye contact Johnnys baby blues eyes has concern which is something you don't see every day he usually doesn't care for anyone or anything and I thought he hated me for sure..people always tell me I'm annoying, a freak, an eye sore and a failure also to tell me I should of never existed I felt tears running down my face I couldn't control them anymore not even in front of the person I cared most

Johnny POV
He looks at me confused and sad did I do something already..no I don't think so we looked at each other then Diego started to tear up again uhhh I dunno what to do...I've never done anything like this before my thinking brain turned off and my emotional brain took over and yes I have to different sides of my brain..I cupped Diego's face with both of my hands and stared straight at him with my eyes

Diego POV
Johnny suddenly turned his body to face me and put both of his hands on both sides of my head a stared straight at me I never knew you can tell what the other person was feeling with just looking in there eyes...then he did something I never expected

And kissed me..

Johnny POV
I stared at him and could feel his emotional state I felt like curling into a ball in a corner crying wanting to disappear I did something that I myself would of never expected and kissed him on the lips I closed my eyes Diego didn't pull back or pushed me away just gave in that is surprising..
I let go to see his reaction to it hopefully he is not sad anymore it hurts seeing him depressed

Diego POV
After Johnny let go I had no words just sat there like a rock then turned red like a tomato OvO...
I finally spoke...

Why..." is all that came out

Johnny POV
He looks like a rock then Diego looks red did I embarrass him? Make him mad? Hmmm he then finally spoke asking why..how do I respond to that uhhhhh um damit-
I was thinking of a quick way to respond I didn't know what happened just then so how the hell am I supposed to respond!

"I saw that you were sad and hurt so I came over here to comfort and I felt your pain..and sadness I can relate a lot.."
damnit I can feel tears coming..
"M-my brother passed away when I was 5 along with my mother I was sad and hurt for a long time and then my father kicked me out..."
Damn I'm getting emotional right now-

Diego POV
I never knew this before..Seeing him express his emotions is weird not gonna lie but then again expressing them can also help I pulled him into a hug we both had it hard in our child hood we can relate to each other it's almost like comfort

Johnny accepts it we let go and smiled
Then the annoying announcer came on saying the next phase was starting

Johnny POV
After saying that Diego came out from his position and pulled me into a hug it was so comforting and warm
He let go I smiled at him for the first time in a long time Diego smiled to not a smirk like usual but a warm sweet smile
A loud announcer came on and ruined our moment I was so pissed off I did the middle finger at the announcers direction
Diego stood up brushing off dirt

"Shall we go?"

"Yeah but I can't walk remember?"

"Oh right ehehehe..."

Diego POV
I stood up brushing dirt off my pants I forgot Johnny couldn't walk so I picked him up bridal style walking over to his wheelchair having dried tear mark and red eyes looking like a total mess

Johnny POV
He suddenly picks me up bridal style I had a tint of pink on my cheeks

"This is embarrassing what if someone sees us"

"Nah it's ok no one is around"

Diego puts me back into my wheelchair and kneeling down to my height coming closer giving me a peck on the lips before heading off to his horse
I had a tiny smile

Diego POV
Looks like good things do come true in your darkest times in life

"if you keep dwelling on the past your never going to be free to see the future"


{Sorry if that was short and crappy I hope you enjoyed it
1174 words woooooohoooo}

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