"Your beautiful!" 🤍

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*sigh* I'm hungry for fluff again 🙁 so here you go 😜😜😜😜💪💪💪💪


Bruce's POV

It was a Wednesday, I got up for school at 5 : 38. I brushed my teeth then washed my face. I then brushed my hair while looking in the mirror. I went downstairs to see my mom and sister making breakfast together. "Want me to help?"

"No honey it's fine, it's almost done anyways" "Go sit down somewhere, like on the floor" I lightly hit my sisters head and sat down on the table. 3 minutes passed and breakfast was ready. "Here" My mom gave me two pancakes. "Thank you" "Mhm, eat!" We all finished our food. "Bruce, walk you and your sister to school today. I'm going on early"

"Okay, Amy, get ready" "k" After 20 minutes we left and got to school. "Go to your room, I'll see you after school, love you, bye" "Bye" I walked over to my friends "Heyy" "Hey Finn" "Guess what I heard!" "What?" "Your boyfriend is coming to our school" "WHAT" "Yup" "Oh my gosh, today?" "Yes!! If he's in any of my classes, I'm gonna go see if I can sit by him! Unless it's a class with you, of course or you can sit by your boyfriend" "STOP" "No"

"Whatever, let's go to class" "Okay" "I'm gonna use the bathroom first though" "Okay see you in class, later" "Bye" I walked into the bathroom to see Vance smoking. I couldn't help but stare at him. "What the fuck are you starring at?" "N-Nothing, I'm just here to use the bathroom" "Mhm, yeah, sure." "I'm serious!" I went into a stall and used the bathroom. "Kid." "What?" I washed my hands while looking at myself in the mirror. "You insecure?" "Maybe, I don't know." "You look fine to me." "In fact, your beautiful." He lifted up my chin as my face turned red. "I gotta go to my class.." "See you. Come sit by me at lunch, alright?" "Whatever!"

Vance's POV

I wonder if he's gay. I fucking hope so. I locked myself in a stall, smoking and daydreaming the whole entire time. Until the lunch bell ringed. I got up and left the bathroom and went to lunch I sat down, waiting for him. "Hey, kid. Come here" "Oh- me?" "Yes you dumbass. Come. Here." He walked over to my table and across from me. "Do you always sit alone?" "Yeah" "Aw, do you want to sit with me and my friends later?" "Sure" He smiled. He smiled big. I had butterflies in my stomach as I blushed slightly.

"I- uh. Never got your name, what is it?" "Bruce. And your Vance, correct?" "Yup" "Do you have any friends?" "Yeah uh this kid named robin. And you, Bruce." I smiled softly. We talked and I decided to go my classes. Surprisingly Bruce was in my Spanish class. There was a sit by Bruce so I took it before anyone else could. "Bruce, since your sitting next to me, you can tutor him until he learns all that we've learned." "Okay." "Let's go to my house" "Okay" After school, Bruce waited for this girl to follow us. "You can go to Gwen's today" "Really?" "Yup, bye"

She ran off while I watched her. "Who was that?" "Oh no one" "Bruce, tell me." "My sister, why do you ask?" "..No reason, let's just go" "Alright" We got there and went up to my room. We sat down across from each other and he took out his books. "Can we like- not do this?" "We need to" "This shits boring" "Too bad, I need to go to the bathroom. Stay here" "This is my house!" That prick.

Bruce's POV

I went to the bathroom and locked myself in. I looked in the mirror and tried to fix my hair and face. I hated my lips. I hated my acne. I hated my eyes. I hated everything about me. I couldn't open up to anyone about this though, if I did I'd either be ignored or think I was joking. I quietly sobbed as I sat on the ground. "Bruce, what's going on? I hear weird noises." "N-nothing! I'm almost done" "What? Your voice is cracking and it's wobbly and shit. Are you okay?" I said nothing.

"Bruce? Bruce answer me" "I'm washing my hands wait!" "Dude, I hear no water running" "No I am!" "Whatever." I came out of the bathroom, hiding my face. "Show me your face" "W-What? Why?" Stop fucking with me. Just do it." I sighed as I wiped my face and showed my face "Why are your eyes and nose so red?"

"No reason. Don't worry" "Bruce. Your eyes and nose are red, your voice is cracky and wobbly, and I heard sniffles. Stop fucking around. We're you crying?" "..No." "That's such a fucking lie." "Why do you care?" "Bruce, is it because of your insecurities?" I said nothing. "It is, isn't it. Bruce." He got up as I backed away from him. "Your beautiful." He got close to my face. "Bruce."

"Yeah-?" "Listen, odd question but uhm.., can I-....kis-" I kissed him. I don't know if he felt the same way. "I'm sorry!" "Holy shit." He kissed me again as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "Your beautiful, Bruce." I smiled and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead.


really boring chapter im sorry 😭🙁 but I hope you have a great day / night ! ! ! :)))

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