35 | Airport Behavior

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Couples sometimes act differently than non-couples. One way they respond to each other differently is while traveling. Taekook is no different. I've paid close attention to their airport behavior as a couple. The same way they are in other settings (no space couple), they are in airports. Very intimate.

First, here's a look at the couple as they are together a lot at the airport. Now ANTIs will say that they are sometimes with the other guys as well. While that may be true, this photos give off couple vibes.

The same couple vibes are given here as we see Jungkook even waits for Taehyung before he even gets in formation to take off walking with their security detail. Bros wait on each other true enough. But Taekook couldn't even walk without touching.

This is one of my favorite airport moments. The airport in this area was very congested. And Jungkook used this to his advantage to lean into Tae from behind and give him a "Covid mask kiss" on the back of his neck. That's not the astonishing part. What's surprising is the lack of response from Taehyung. You know why he didn't respond? He knew exactly who showed him the affection and is unbothered because this sort of thing happened all the time with them. (Also, I heard the kiss was on Tae's birthday which I'd true would make this moment super cute.) Either way, Jungkook risked it all in front of all those people. And I'm not complaining.

We could talk about plenty of more instances, but I'll leave it at that. Except this little bonus:

Taehyung showed up at the airport sometime after JK left for the World Cup. And not only did Tae mention Jungkook's name at the airport but he mimicked Jungkook's cuteness he displayed while he was the airport. There was the ball kick and the hand salute.

Next | That's Suspicious!

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