Junior Counselling Day 1.

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'I can't believe I'm finally here! As a counsellor! This better be worth all the excitement.. Meh of course it will be!' Mia thought to herself as she finished unpacking her suitcase in her dorm room.

*Knock Knock*

"Yeah come in it's open!" She shouted as the door handle turned.

Mis turned around to see a very familiar face. Ana!

'Is Ana my roommate?!'

"Are you my roommate?!"

The blue eyed blonde beauty nodded and squealed with excitement. Mia ran the few steps between her and her friend with her long chestnut ponytail whipping herself on the back. They leapt into each other arms and squeezed each other like they hadn't seen one another in a decade.

"I can't believe you're finally a junior counsellor! Mia this is the best news ever! Ahhhh!" They hugged again.

"I know! I can't believe my dad agreed to let me come! I am so happy! How are the campers this year?" Mia asked calming the atmosphere.

"I would have been really mad at him if he didn't let you come! They are so annoying..." Ana explained rolling her eyes and taking a seat on her bed closest to the door.

"Wait how long have you been here already?"

"Because I'm a second year junior counsellor - jheeze that's a mouthful... - I arrived last week but I finish in three weeks like you and everyone else."

It was as if a lightbulb went off in Ana's mind behind her remarkable eyes.

"Hey. I'm sorry about your mother."

Ana paused to see of she made the right choice in saying that.

"Its alright. It's been nearly a year, so I've kind gotten over it now." Mia offered Ana a comforting smile.

"So, wait oh shit! Do you remember Louis from last year? He was a first year junior counsellor with me."

Mia nodded without any recollection of him whatsoever.

"Well he lives...." Ana's voice trailed off as Mia sat on her bed thinking about all she had to be grateful for. She sat there watching her friend's mouth moving and nodding occasionally, but mainly sitting there and appreciating Ana's company. She was the only person Mia knew who didn't over sympathise for her, and who felt no pity. Its exactly what Mia needed at this time.

The two girls had met when Ana had just turned 8 and Mia was 7. Neither had been to camp before. They were placed in the same dorm that year, and got into a hair-pulling fight over the bed at the window. After being sent to the head of the camp, and being threatened to be kicked out, they for some reason bonded. They became summer best friends.

Ana lived 4 hours north of camp, and arrived by car; meanwhile Mia lived 8 hours south of camp and arrived my train. The two of them promised to see each other every time they departed at the end of summer, but every year failed. They met 9 years ago to the day, and had remained summer best friends.

"Okay?" Mia was sudden dropped back into reality.

"What? Sorry I..."

"Ughh Mia!"

"Sorry! I just..."

"Its fine. Come with me and I'll introduce you." Ana grabbed Mia's hand and dragged her out the door.

"Hey An! Ana!" They turned around and Mia's arm was instantly dropped as Ana ran up to a rather large guy and jumped into his arms.

'Yep. I remember Louis now...' Mia thought, awkwardly standing there as the other two were making out next to her.

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