Out and about.

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Mia walked out of the bathroom. She noticed, Aaron sitting on Ana's bed tying his shoe laces, both with tears in their eyes.

"I need to see a doctor." She said half to herself and half to him.

"What? Now? Do you really think now is the best time to..." He asked throwing her an 'are you crazy' look.

"Yes now! I can't see the camp's nurse, I need to see a real doctor. Today." She spat the words at him.

"Mia I don't think..."

"I know! I know you don't think! I know you don't think, because if you did we wouldn't be in this bloody mess in the first place!!" She said beginning to cry again.

"Are you... Are you joking?! So so this is my fault?! This is my fault that you are ..." He chocked on the word. He couldn't finish his sentence.

"That I am what?! You coward! You selfish asshole you!" She shouted.

It was 11:30am so everyone was out with their groups. No one was around.

"How am I a coward?!"

"You can't even say it! You can't even say the fucking word Aaron!"

"Shut up! Yes! Yes I... I ca.. I can!" He rubbed his eyes.

"Then say it! Say it please! I'm begging you! I'm what? Pr... Preg... PREGNANT!! You ass!" She collapsed onto the floor in a flood of tears and he sat next to her.

"I'm sorry. Mia I am sorry. I never ever intended for this to..." She pushed him away from her.

"Just go. Leave me alone." She rubbed her eyes and blew her nose into a tissue sitting on her bedside table.

"Mia please. I want to help! I care about you!"

"If you care so much you'd leave. There is nothing you can do for me. I need to see a doctor, not some messed up teenage man-whore." Aaron stood up, cleaned his face and left.

Mia spent the rest of the day crying in her room and every time someone came in she pretended to be sleeping.

Louis, Ana, Sarah and Marco stopped by at lunch and left her a sandwich on her bedside table.

She had slept all through the day. She woke up at 4:30pm by someone coming in. She didn't have time to pretend she was sleeping.

"Get dressed. Meet me outside in 5 minutes."

Mia was dumbstruck by his sudden appearance. Without a second to waste she got up, put a bra, t-shirt and hoodie on then stepped outside in the chilled summer evening to join Aaron.

"What do you want?" She asked without any expression.

"Come with me." He took her arm and they walked all the way to Flag1. They got into his car and he pulled out a slip of paper and showed it to the gate guard and they were off.

"Would you mind explaining to me why you kidnapped me? Or where the hell we're going? Or how you got permission to leave? Something?!" Mia hissed.

"Just be patient." She sighed loudly, then sat back in the chair and kept switching radio stations till she heard a decent song that fit her mood. She was too tired and too weak to continue arguing, so she trusted him to take her to their destination safely.

Mia sat there with her head on the car door wondering what her father was doing at that moment; if he was missing her. She wondered what her mother was doing; where she was; and if she missed her too. Mia thought about all the times she had spent with her mother and that it would never happen again. She thought about how her father was never going to be able to fill that void but could try; then she changed thoughts after she cringed at the thought of her dad buying her tampons.

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