Part 2.

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21st May 2016.

Dear diary,

Firstly, happy birthday to me! But to be frank, so far it's been one of the worst birthdays ever. The curfews have worsened, and by dad has been gone since early this morning. You don't how worried I am...

He set my alarm for eight-thirty, laid my gift and card on the bedside table and left. How could he do that to his own daughter? What if someone came in here... Burglars... Attacked me... Left me for dead? I shouldn't think that way. Maybe whatever he's doing is too dangerous for me, and he's only trying to protect me. I need to love him, and trust him.

I heard from Michael again earlier. The connection was bad, so we only briefly talked but at least we were able to hear each other's voices. It was nice. Made me miss him even more though... Made me think about our school days, getting up to mischief. Just a group of innocent children. Now look where we are; separated, unable to see each other. Me, sat staring at this box on my bedside table.

An hour feels like a second today. I told Michael of how hungry we are. Rations are running dangerously low... Unless that's where dad has gone.

So manly... Our saviour. That's where he's gone. Definitely. Aw, I love him so much! Right, I'm gonna open this present, see you later!

- Jesse 'the birthday girl' (hehe)


[This is the transcript of a recording of an interview with <<Mr Andrew Derwent>> on the morning of the 21st May 2016.]

[Interviewer name: Miss Selene Jones.]

Selene: Mr Derwent, is it?

Andrew: Please, call me Andrew.

Selene: Whatever you wish Andrew. Now are you fine with this being recorded?

Andrew: (pauses) Whatever. Just get on with it...

Selene: Very well. For the sake of our records its best to keep your account very fast, accurate and to the point. (Her eyes look over Andrew cautiously.)

Andrew: Whatever you say ma'am. (He shuffles in her seat, noticing her unease.)

Selene: Okay. So this occurred this morning?

Andrew: Yes. Early. It was around seven, I'd just exited the hous-

Selene: -Is there anyone living with you?

Andrew: J-just my daughter, Jesse. It's her birthday. (Smiles.)

Selene: How charming. How old is she?

Andrew: Fifteen. But isn't this a little off- topic?

Selene: Ah- yes. I apologise. Okay; do continue.

Andrew: Thank you. Well, I headed to the convenience store. I thought going first thing would mean it would be less busy. My thought was correct to a degree of course. I completed collecting the food; rations were running low.

Selene: And you can trust her to be alone?

Andrew: Of course. She loves me. (He pauses, smiling.)

Selene: How delightful. So what happened next?

Andrew: Well, I heard this sound. A strange sound. Moaning... (Gulps.) It jumped out. Blood, guts... Horrible.

Selene: D-did it touch you?

Andrew: (He pulls up his sleeve.) Yes...

Selene: (Gasps.) You need to g-go to the h-hospital...

[There's screams and shouts, but they're unclear.]

Andrew: It...I burns...

Selene: N-no! Don't come near me! Bastard- you're bitten!

[10:20 am- Andrew Derwent looses consciousness. Selene took him to the hospital, but was consequently bitten herself.]

[11:12am- Transmission ended.]


22nd May 2016.

Dear diary,

Dad still isn't home. I've tried calling everyone, but the phone lines are down. Even the television has stopped working. No news for over twelve hours. Worry isn't the word I'd use. Oh dad...

I'm sorry diary. My tears have wet your pages. I can't help it, the worry is killing me. I can't live on without him by my side; comforting me. Loving me. Being there for me. Oh dad...

I should go look for him. He can't have gone too far. I'm worried sick.


-Jesse Derwent...

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