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"Jungkook? I'm sorry to hound you but, I haven't had any updates on your song? Wouldn't you normally have sent me some lyrics by now or?... Jungkook?"

He can hear his mangers voice rattling through his ears but he can't respond, his body won't let him; he has an urgent, desperate need to put his hands over his ears and scream until Chan shuts up!


The urge to cover his ears wins out and he clamps his palms over his ears and dashes away down a quieter corridor until he's pushing through the toilet door and entering a cubical.

Jungkook drops down onto the closed toilet lid and sighs with his eyes closed.

"Jungkook I know you're in here? Don't ignore me, what's wrong with you?? I don't mean to be so pushy but... you must understand..."

"Okay!!! Okay Chan I get it! You haven't had any lyrics yeah?" Jungkook screams out in the tiny cubical. His body vibrating; he doesn't know whether to hit something or screw up in a ball and cry at how much of a failure he actually feels because in truth, he still hasn't written a word he likes. A word worth using.

"But you understand it has a deadline Jungkook? You've never had any major issues like this before, is there anything we can help with?"

"No! I'm fine! Just leave me alone and I'll write your stupid god damn song! I never get a minute!" Jungkook pulls on his hair, stress crushing his body.

"Come out of there?" Chan asks but his voice still carries authority.

"I... I can't... I... please just leave me alone, just for, for a minute?" He's almost begging.

"Jungkook I'm worried! You're increasingly becoming very closed off and I've never heard you shout at me like that."

A tear rolls down Jungkook's cheek and he's as fast as lightning to swipe it away.

"I'm... I'm sorry, please, I'll come out in a few just, I don't feel great and I need to finish my song for you guys, I'm sorry for shouting..." Jungkook whispers.

"Okay, do you need the rest of the day off or? Jungkook let us help?" Chan's voice is now softer and more friendly.

"No!..." he jumps immediately; he can't go home, he's supposed to be meeting Y/N later this evening in the car park. If she even shows! "... no, it's fine, I just need a few minutes, please, I've... I'll be okay I've just got a headache, I'll grab some food and it'll be fine..."

"Okay... but, I'm sorry Jungkook, we set deadlines because people, companies, contracts, they all need the song by midnight" Chan speaks quietly.

"Okay... okay"



You're wander down the corridor with the latest style guide in hand; you'd promised to drop off some paperwork to a different floor on your way to lunch and so here you are.

"Ju..." you stop yourself from calling out his name, what if it's not Jungkook? He looks, small? Closed off?

You watch as the figure shoves out of the male toilet door and and shuffle ever so slowly down the corridor in front of you.

"Jungkook?" You whisper quietly, but the figure freezes, "is it you?" Your voice comes slow and barely there.

"Y/N?" Jungkook swirls around on his heels and glares at you, his eyes wide as if in shock but he still looks sad.

"Yeah... hey, I, I couldn't tell if..." you pause as you watch him blink awkwardly, "... hey what's up? You okay?" You quickly move, stepping closer until you're stood in front of him.

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