7. Confusion

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Uh oh! Jennie thought when she saw a familiar smiley blonde turning a corner and walking in her direction. She swiftly turned on her heel, and hurriedly walked the opposite way. She wanted to sprint as far away as possible, but that wouldn't be appropriate for a queen bee now, wouldn't it?

Hence, she had to settle for quick strides that would hopefully take her as far away as possible from Lisa.
Couple of turns later she finally stopped. She waited a couple of seconds to see if the blonde would find her. When she realized she was safe, she finally let out deep breath of relief and leaned on the wall.

She was avoiding Lisa these past few days. She couldn't possibly confront her after what happened in the locker room. She was still shocked how she lost it with that girl. She herself couldn't comprehend what came over her when she kissed Lisa. At one moment she wanted to rip her throat out, and at the next she was making out with her.

She only knew that she got fazed by Lisa's proximity.
Her beautiful scent and the warmth radiating off her body, took away all self control Jennie had. And she did the only thing that was on her mind these past couple of days.

Jennie shook her head at the memory trying to force it out of her head. But no matter how much she tried she couldn't get rid of warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach. If she was a blushy person she would have been crimson right now as kissing Lisa was brought to her mind.

She never felt like that around any guy, or any human being for that matter.

Could I be attracted to her? Jennie wondered as she reflected on the way her body betrayed her in the locker room.

But I was never attracted to girls before...and I hate her, she reasoned with herself. Maybe our mutual hate created some sort of sexual tension between us, hmmm...

Loud chirping sound reminded her she had to hurry to her class. Damn that girl, now she even makes me late to class, Jennie snarled quietly picking up her speed so she doesn't get detention. That certainly wouldn't be good for her image.

Jennie wasn't the one who would back out of a confrontation, but she had to gather her thoughts and figure out what is happening before she charged on, and put that girl in her place. However she was aware of one thing: she had to find a way to resolve this situation with Lisa, and fast.


"Lisa wait." Jengkook ran up to her as she was just about to chase after Jennie.

She managed to avoid me...again, Lisa groaned to herself as she saw brunette turning a corner in a haste. She turned around to greet her boyfriend.

"Hey Kookie. What's up?" she smiled at him widely, revealing her cute dimples. She felt guilty that she didn't think of him at all these past few days. She was too occupied chasing Jennie and thinking of that

He pecked her softly and draped his arm around her shoulder while walking her towards class.

"Nothing much, I just missed you. You've been kind of distant these past few days." he furrowed eyebrows as he peered at Lisa from the corner of his eyes.

Lisa chewed her lip anxiously as she responded "I am fine, I've just been a bit overwhelmed with school, cheering, and work these past few days."

"Are you sure?" Jungkook asked as he stopped and squeezed her shoulders gently, lowering his head a bit so he can look at her eyes.

"Yeah I am, don't worry." she forced a reassuring smile at him.

"Of course I will worry, you are my babe." he cupped her face as he kissed her lovingly.

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