the valentines of the rich

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Waking up at the crack of dawn was only something Clara used to do for Fashion Week. But as she was now enrolled in university, seeing the sunrise was a more common experience. Her business class required more essays than she hoped but being up early meant she was able to get content for her media course. 

On February fourteenth, Clara was awoken by her alarm, five thirty am. Dia didn't even roll in her bed at the sound. She was hidden under her fluffy pink bed spread, only the hearts painted on her head being shown to the world. 

Clara lay in her bed, arms wrapped around her chest as she stared up at the lights they had hung on her ceiling. They were told off for those during a dorm inspection in their first week, but haven't been paid a visit since. She assumed Dia paid off the RA. The fairy lights were pink today, getting into the spirit of Valentines Day. 

Clara hadn't spoken to Sebastian since the twelfth, he'd invited her out for dinner, but didn't mention Valentines day. As she lay in her bed, she felt bad that she assumed he would celebrate Valentines, but hoped he at least remembered the day it was. 

Clara climbed from her bed, pushing her eye mask off over her forehead and hung it on her bed post. She was wearing the long sleeve satin pajamas Melanie bought her for Valentines the year prior, they were dusty pink with a drawing of a rose scattered across the fabric. She also had two pink rollers in the front of her hair, lifting her fringe into a curl like women from the 80s. 

She marched her way over to their bathroom before washing her face and changing into a mini skirt and an oversized hoodie. Perfect for a morning of assignments. She left her face free of make up, applying moisturizer and sunscreen alone before  sitting behind her desk, legs crossed. 

The world was quiet this morning, no frat parties in her vicinity providing her with her study music, so she placed her oversized headphones over her ears, pressing play on her music app. She shared it with Sebastian, just because it was easier to combine their music tastes that way. Her father would find it a disgrace. Would say it made them look poor, not being able to afford her own music subscription. She would laugh in his face, after Sebastian taught her about investing, she owned a significant share in the streaming service she was using. 

Clara opened her laptop and finished the essay on marketing she'd started yesterday before taking out her notebook and crossing it off her to do list. That was always the most satisfying part of being productive. Being able to physically strike out the job made it much more rewarding. 

It took her thirty minutes to create a presentation on some of her law notes for the side classes she decided to pile on her roster. She didn't mind her current topic, it was focused on equity and trusts. Since these classes were voluntarily and were usually taken by students with majors in law or politics, she didn't gain any extra credit by completing them so she made sure to only complete them if they were useful or interesting to her. So when the previous topic was based around financials, she was able to skip it and study more intensely for her other subjects. It was quite tiring she had to admit, but wasn't going to pass up on an chance to educate herself when many others didn't have the opportunity to do so. Bella reminded her of that on her bad days. 

The next thing she needed to do was complete an essay for her the environmental engineering class she was taking. People advised against taking engineering as a minor, said it should only be done as a major with no side classes. But with her Father only willing to give Clara her half of the company if she had a decent amount of of knowledge surrounding his electric car company. She was more than offended when she found that clause in her contract because it was as if he forgot she grew up attending his many luncheons and launch evenings which required her to talk all things engines. Clearly he assumed she made all those sales by flirting with the big company owners. (That did happen on a few occasions, she must admit, but it the conversations had always started with her knowledge of the cars he was launching).

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