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⚠️Note: Mention of Voilence/Physical Abuse/Rape

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Mention of Voilence/Physical Abuse/Rape

Min Effing Yoongi

Did I ever tell you
how sweet of a person you are?

Tony Montana
Did I ever tell you
how much of pain in Ass you are?

Min Effing Yoongi
No you dint..
Since I was never pain in your 🍑

Tony Montana
You are never in any Ass though🤣

Min Effing Yoongi
I gonna text your husband
that we have secret affair😑

Tony Montana
Ohh.. Do you think I dont have your husband Contact?

Gather yourself.
Do you know that
I gonna have great bond
with my husband soon

Console yourself.
Do you know that
I already have greatest bond
with my Husband😎

Meanie cat!!

Whiney Cat!!!

Tony Montana Calling.....

Yoongi smiled connecting the call. 'I was having great time in chatting.. Shall I have to listen your creepy voice now?', Yoongi pursed his lips. He is really happy to annoy his only bestie.

'What's with you?? Why are you in good mood?', Jimin asked unable to believe that Yoongi actually reached him through text.

'Come to Kim Constructions, Let's go to shopping. I wanna buy a gift for Hoseok',

'Offoo.. I thought you missed me.. You just needed my help. Shame on you Min Yoongi',

'He got a job in Namjoon's. He sounded happy. I will pay for whatever you buy if you select a proper gift for my husband',

'Hey.. I was looking for a Gold Coated Hat for my vacation to Bali this weekend. Will you buy that?', Jimin asked excitedly.

'Don't say you already bought that Golden Panties to wear?', Yoongi asked amusedly.

'It's kinda Shorts okay?? Not Panties. Also, I bought a golden crop top to go with. And Taehyung bought me Gold beaded body chains. A hat alone is missing. Thank you Min Yoongi!!!',

 Thank you Min Yoongi!!!',

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