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Hoseok's PoV:

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Hoseok's PoV:

Jung Hoseok!! Hip Hip Hurray..  Your first project as Design Head. You gonnna rock it

I cheered myself. I am damn nervous. It's been 3 months I have joined in Kim's. It's beyond my imagination. The people around me are not at all toxic as in my previous work place. Everyone minds their own business. And, everyone appreciates someone if they do good. I have been appreciated many times. In my previous company, I rarely got appreciation for my work. I even stopped comparing.

Yoongi-ssi gifted me a car, for my new beginning. Well, It's not a new one. He tried to buy me one but, I was stubborn not to. So, he asked me chose one of his'. I gladly took one. He registered it in my name. Yoongi-ssi is gold. He is very positive. He cooks every morning for both of us while Jungkook do it every night. These days, Jungkook practically stays in our home. He wanted to learn Interior designing and I am glad to teach him.

He is a brilliant yet innocent kid. The top notch of his innocence is, hating Jin. Huff.. Whenever Jin comes to meet me, he will jump like a home puppy and shouts I hate you I hate you. But the horrible thing is Jin developed feelings for him. Dont know where they gonna end up.

'So.. You are the new Design head from Kims', I have been disturbed by a lady. Looks like in 30s. Currently I am in site and having lunch in the dining area.

'Is this place occupied?', she asked with plate in her hand. Her eyes are some where else. I accepted letting her sit. Slowly I tried  to see where she got struck. It's on Jungkook.

Not new. People around me, I often found checksout Jungkook. I dint know if he realised but, he is.. umm.. sexy?? Not more than my husband. I often find Yoingi-ssi sexy. Especially while he cooks.

We ate in silence and her eyes are still on Jungkook. 'Oopss. Sorry.. I dint introduce myself. I am Jessi, Billing Dept. head of this project', he offered her hand. I shook it firmly. 'Nice to meet you Jessi-ssi!!. I am Jung Hoseok. Design head from Kims', I introduced myself. 'Ahh.  Nice to meet you', she smiled.

'Are you the one who created Interior Design Budget?',

''Y-yeah', Is it bad?

'That's awesome Mr.Jung! I mean, I personally liked it. You know, It's not about estimated cost, but your document is so convincing. You added a very detailed explination and an effective alternative for everything. I mean.. Goshsh.  You have great future', she smiled.

Wow.. 'Umm.. Thank you... Well.. I got lot of appreciation for that. I dint know those tiny things are recogniseable',

'Ofcourse they are. And.. Did you get the client appreciation letter?', She inquired.

'Umm. Yeah.. I', I scratched my head. 'It's from my Dept. I dint thought I can meet you in person', she smiled. There is so much positivity in her tone.  ' Frankly.  I joined here 3 months ago and after 1 month as Design head, I got that letter. It's huge', I smiled.

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