Chapter 2

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"I want to smoke"

Sarina's smiling eyes drops to an intense glare as she watches her walk out. Ethra notices her friend's scary face. She speaks with a pause, on very serious tone.

"It's only her...It's not like I haven't tried before too, Eth. I have a feeling she hates me for some reason. But what's funny is that I haven't ever done or said anything to her"

"Maybe it's that kids like her don't like hanging out with kids like us? I think we have different tastes and personalities. It's like an astronaut hanging out with a scuba diver?"

Then they both burst out laughing.

"I think you might be right" Sarina says giggling.

"I bet she was probably making fun of me" Hel thought as she heard their laugh walking out.


"Shift" Hel orders to the group of junior girls sitting on a random canteen table. She was late and their was no other table available.

"Excuse me, we are sitting here. And that's a very rude way of asking" One of them says. Hel gets irritated.

"Listen up sissy, you might be new here but this is my seat"

"This is everyone's seat and maybe if you ask us politely we might still give you some space to sit"

"Yeah no I had enough of bullshit!" Hel says a little louder than before which makes them flinch. "If you wannabe scout-girls want the rest of your graduation a living hell then proceed to disobey me" Hel's warning makes them immediately stand up with their trays to shift. Hel rolls her eyes as the canteen caterer boy especially comes to serve her her a tray of food.

"What a though day and why the fuck don't they have a back rest?" Hel says to herself frustrated over the old style canteen table.

Just when her tray of food was served, she saw someone's hand placing another tray opposite to her.

"Who the fuck-"

She went silent as she saw who it was. The audacity of this women to come sit with her, while just a few minutes ago she disrespectfully ignored her. She scoffed.

"I think you don't know what I said to the girls sitting here a few seconds ago" she said trying to act like a bully.

"I saw all of it" Sarina answers and tears a piece off her bun. Hel raises her eyes in disbelief.

"What? Are you asking me to leave as well?" Sarina says almost in a mocking way. As if she was challenging her by asking, "do you have the guts to make me leave?"

Hel makes a face. Yes she wanted to tear Sarina apart but she knew she didn't have the ability. Something about Sarina, which was weird, like an invisible written rule, She is humble but powerful. She is kind, but she is feared.

"Forget it!" Hel says in frustration as if she let her go. Sarina gives a knowing smile but says nothing while taking another bite off her bun.

"Well, did you smoke then?" Sarina asks almost in a taunting way.

"Of course, you wanted some?" Hel says with a smirk.

"I don't smoke. It's not good for health" Serina says with furrowed eyebrows.

"Of course you goody-two-shoes" Hel says and Sarina doesn't like it but doesn't say anything.

"Were you offended?"


"You know when I didn't want to talk to you in class. Did I hurt your little ego? Oh My bad! It's huge!"

She knew it wasn't needed, she was being petty. But she did want once in her life, wanted someone to trouble Sarina. And none would give her more satisfaction other than doing it herself.

"She wants me to loss my cool" Sarina thought.

"Well certainly not, Hillary. I do understand you wanted to take a smoke. I did not assume anything like that"

This reaction, was not expected. Also Hel was triggered by her taking her real name. She wasn't sure if she did it for revenge or she genuinely didn't know the pet-name scenario.

"Oh I see Sarina. Not today, but soon enough I will break that cool composure of yours" Hel thought.

The rest over lunch was in silence as Hel had secretly started a war.

"Did I do something in past I can not recall?" Sarina thought over her meal.

Hel sees Noel walk into the canteen with his boys. He looks handsome as ever. He suddenly spots Sarina's backhead and his eyes widens excitedly. Hel for a split second almost believed it was for her.

" are here!"

"Noel, who addresses someone like that?" Sarina asks being embarrassed. Hel envies her.

"Oh come on, I like to appreciate the beautiful creations of God"

Sarina rolls her eyes at the cringe statement.

"Come, join us" Sarina says and Hel almost losses her cover in excitement.

"If you say so" He shrugs.

"Hey Sarina, so are you really single?" Noel asks and even Hel was interested to listen the answer.

"I am" Sarina says unbothered.

"It's a shock someone as beautiful and popular as you still doesn't have a boyfriend" Noel says and Sarina feels uncomfortable. She awkwardly laughs.

"I mean just look at her. No offense, but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have one. But you..." Noel says referring to Hel.

Ouch. Hel feels like he stab her. But rather than being mad at him, it just adds another thing to her list to hate Sarina even more now that she was directly compared and indirectly called uninteresting.

Sarina feels sorry for her. Almost opens her mouth to say something then remembers how she talked with her just a few minutes ago and knew she would defend herself.

What shocks her is she didn't. The topic changed and Hel didn't say a word to Noel. And it bothered her as she was very to rude to her. Why didn't she say anything rude to him too? Or bullied him in defense like she did to those younger girls?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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