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Eve's POV

"Okay, we're here!" My dad put the car in park and unbuckled his seat belt.

"I'm not going in there." I repeated for the fifth time since being told where we were going.

They brought me to some therapists office again, this one looked like one of those hospitals where they do electroshock therapy and tell you that God will forgive you but only if you stop acting out.

"Eve. If you can't stop with the nonsense rule-breaking, you can go in there and at least talk to someone about why you refuse to listen." My mother spoke harshly.

"Theresa, you could be nicer to her.." My dad standing up for me was nothing new.

He always thought my mother was too hard on me and that was why I was 'acting out' so much. Granted, the 'acting out' they kept accusing me of was normal teenager shit; cussing, not wanting to clean, kissing cute boys, stuff like that. I didn't sneak out, I took my meds everyday on time, I never missed school, and I had normal friends who didn't smoke or do drugs. They had met all of them and said they approved as well as getting their parents phone numbers and addresses to keep track of me. I don't remember a time they trusted me, even before I did anything they considered 'acting out'.

"Yeah, ma. You don't have to be so hard on me." I repeated.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I thought about the fact that they would keep my phone if they left me here. They would read my conversation with my best guy friend and leave me here forever if they went back far enough.

"Eve?" A nurse called out from the door on the other side of the waiting room we were in.

My parents both stood up before me and after a few seconds my mother yanked me up and gave me a push forward towards the door.

"Hi, Eve. I'm Tessa, I'm going to get some quick information from you for the doctor so he can properly asses you, okay?" I nodded at her words.

Tessa seemed nice. Usually the nurse being nice in a place ike this means the doctor is awful. The last place they took me to be 'fixed', there were nuns everywhere and one of them was blind and appeared to be staring at me while speaking weird Latin. Tessa asked way too many questions for a Thursday afternoon and I answered all of them with my parents approval first.

"Are you safe at home?" I glanced at my mother and nodded 'yes'.

"Are you sexually active?" I felt both my parents look at me.

Oh fuck, yeah right because I was going to openly admit in front of two people that could recite 98% of the Bible by memory that me and the cutest boy I know have had more sex than I've had trips to church.

"Pass." I said quickly.

"Eve Margaret, answer it." My mother snapped.

"No ma'am, i'm not." I said to Tessa.

My mother scoffed aggressively. I knew she didn't believe me and that was fine, I would be scolded later and still wouldn't say it happened.

"Eve, honey, I need the honest answer or we won't be able to help you, and your parents paid a lot of money for this visit. Are you sexually active?" She pressed. Fucking bitch. I sighed deeply.

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