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Eve's POV

We pulled up to the camp and the feeling in my gut got immediately ten times worse. It just looked like normal camp though. I saw about 12 girls watching us pull up, they were dressed the same in what looked like work clothes that should have been worn by men.

"You'll go in that building first for the searches." The woman said as the man parked the car. We got out and walked to the building, the strangers grabbed our suitcases for us.

"Hello, you must be Eve and Gina," a woman said coldly as she met us at the door, "first we are going to do our mandatory strip search, then we'll turn in any jewlery and personal items."

I wasn't sure why my parents would send me to a camp that strip searched minors but I still did what I was told and stripped bare. They took pictures of my scars and the small flower tattoo on my hip. They took the two rings Harry gave me, that I had been wearing for two years straight, as well as my earrings and phone.

"Do your parents know you have a tattoo?" The woman asked me.

"No, i've done a pretty good job hiding it if you ask me." I joked, she didn't laugh.

"I'll be informing them of it as soon as we are through here." I gasped.

"What the fuck!? No! I kept this shit hidden for a fucking reason!" I shouted at her. She backed up quickly.

"Miss Orion you do NOT get to speak to staff like that. 20 push ups, now." The woman scolded me.

I hesitated for a second and then dropped to the cold floor to do what I was demanded to. After my push ups, the staff gave me 2 pairs of what looked like mens jeans, 4 shirts, a hoodie, socks, shoes and a pair of work boots.

"How long exactly will I be here? Is this military camp or something? When can I call my parents?" I asked.

"You're on a need to know basis, and those things fall under the don't need to know category. Let's go meet everyone." She walked off. What the fuck was going on?

Gina and I followed her outside to a group of 12 girls that were obviously sweaty and exhausted. They all introduced themselves along with saying how long they have been there and what level they were at. Mikayla was there for three years and she was a level four, Grace was there for two years and she was a level three, and most of the rest were there for six months to a year or so and were either level one or two. My dad said I would only be here for two months so I didn't worry about it that much.

"Back to work ladies." The staff clapped and shoo'd the girls back to what they were doing when we pulled up.

"Wait, they sai they have been here for how long?" Gina said loudly.

"Everyone's time here is different," the staff snapped at Gina, "do you need to give 10 pushups for speaking out of line?" Gina shook her head fast.

"She didn't even say anything out of line!" I protested harshly. The staff turned to me.

"25 push ups, Miss Orion." I rolled my eyes and dropped to the gravel to do more push ups.

When I got up, the staff got so close to my face, I could feel her spit particles when she spoke.

"Next time you speak, you will ask permission first. You will ask permission to eat, drink, go through doorways, and go to the bathroom. Is that understood, Miss Orion?"  I nodded 'yes' in hopes to get her out of my face.

We got a tour of the Shower Cabin next, then Sleep Cabin and Dining Cabin.

"You two are Level One as of right now. Which means you sleep on the floor until you get assigned to a bed at Level Two. Understood?" We nodded. We kept moving.

We got to see the ranch part of the camp, there were horses and goats. There were a few dogs and cats around the camp as well. The staff stopped walking and turned to us.

"You have to be Level 4 to graduate the program and be allowed to leave," Staff said with very little emotion, "this is not horse camp, and you got yourself here." Her words terrified me.

"Can I call my parents so they know I'm safe?" I asked and Gina looked up, also waiting for the answer.

"Phone time is a privilege that needs to be earned by good behavior, your parents have been informed of your arrival and we will inform them weekly of your well-being until you have the privilege to call them yourself."

My mind wandered to Harry, I wondered what he was doing since I didn't get to see him before leaving at 5am. The staff snapped me out of my thoughts by putting a thick packet in my hands, it was labeled the Holy Cowgirl manual. It had to be a hundred pages long.

"You guys need to read this entire thing. Memorize it and by the first Holy Cowgirl meeting, you will know exactly what to do when it is your turn. You can start reading after chores."

Niether of us argued, unsure of what weird and cruel punishment she would come up with if we did. We followed her to the area by the ranch that the other girls were doing what looked like normal farm chores, fixing fences and feeding animals.

"You do chores until you are called to do something else, but you have to start early and keep yourself busy. There is no rhyme or reason to be standing around or bored." She turned and walked over to the staff that was supervising the girls.

"Hi, so what are we supposed to be doing?" I asked the girl who earlier seemed to refuse to introduce herself. She ignored me and kept working.

"Okay crazy bitch." I went and found someone else to ask.

"You're Mikayla, right? Can you tell me what I'm supposed to start doing first?" She shushed me. Awesome. This bitch too.

"For fuck sakes, does anyone know what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing!?" I stated loudly.

Someone coughed and then I heard a voice way louder that mine.

"Miss Orion! 35 push ups, right now. That is just about enough out of you for the day. You are definitely getting spoken to at Holy Cowgirl about this behavior." Mikayla was right next to the staff that yelled at me, I was positive she told on me for talking to her.

I dropped and gave my push ups without another word.

"Eve, if you want to survive here, you're going to have to do more. You can stay at level one for a pretty long time if you don't try to move up." The staff said. And that sentence stuck with me for as long as I can remember.

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