Chapter 9

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      Uh oh.

      That CAN NOT be good.

      Jeweldreamer watched as the door snicked shut behind the RainWing. He could hear their muffled voices, but their thoughts were too far to hear clearly.

      "I think we should leave." Jeweldreamer said before anyone else could mention anything.

     "Why?" Jellyfish said. She tried letting the Heart float between her horns, like Otdra, but it must have lost its levitating abilities on the transfer over.

     "Yeah, Aconi gave up. She's exploring other options." Stratus said. They leaned towards each other now that Aconi had left.

     "She's not done," Jeweldreamer tried.

      "I... think you're over reacting." Cloudy said, bring his wing with their own.

      Am I?

      "Where by the palace should we hit first? We were in a meadow nearby, weren't we?" Jasmine asked.

     "Yeah, but we all saw that Otdra was terraforming the land. That might not be a meadow anymore." Bermuda pointed out.

     A headache was creeping at the back of Jeweldreamers head. The blue torches were beginning to die out, so Stratus breathed some life back into them.

     "Do you feel any different?" Jasmine asked.

     "I'm stronger, for sure." Jellyfish raised a fist and stone the stone below. Cracks spidered our from where her talon struck the floor. "Other than that, not really."

     "Not like you could easily smite us all into a big heaping pike of ash?" Stratus joked, coming back. Jellyfish grinned at him.

     "That magic is definitely more powerful than animus magic. Or, whats left of it." Jeweldreamer said.

     "How so?" Bermuda asked.

     "It was said animus magic couldn't even bring back the dead." Jeweldreamer said. "Or had a definite physical form, or could be sourced to one object. It looks like the Heart's power is much more powerful, since it can do all those things."

     "Yeah," Jellyfish said. "I'm not sure if I'm the right dragon for this."

     "Why is that?" Jeweldreamer asked.

     "I'm terrified. What if I fail, and Pyrrhia is never recovered, and Otdra dies? What is it all dissolves into violence and war, and dragonets die and our waters are red, all because I failed?" Jellyfish figdeted with the Heart, rolling it between her talons.

     "I think that the fact you are immediately worried about the world's fate if you don't save it, pretty much says that you're the right dragon." Cloudy said. The IceWing lay down, stretching across the stone.

      "But what if I do it wrong?" Jellyfish said.

      Cloudy shrugged. "Step one, find the place we need. Step two, the magic sphere of dragons will tell you what you need to do, apparently. Step three, live in a house off the coast of Possibility and live the rest of your days with a pet lemur. Or whatever."

     Jellyfish rolled her eyes, and Jeweldreamer snickered. Cloudy always made a stressful situation feel better, even when it could change the fate of life as they all knew it.

     "I wonder what they're chatting about," Jeweldreamer said, looking at the door. Aconi's unguarded thoughts bothered him deeply, but he could ignore it for now.

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