Chapter 3 - History Repeated

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Day had arrived in Transylvania.

Dracula, a young and fangless five-year-old, dozed contentedly within the small dark space of his little kiddie coffin, warm and cozy. But it wasn't the blankets or the sheets that had succeeded in keeping him so nice and comfortable. It was the warm, scraggly fur of his new pet raccoon - Lulu.

A baby as she was, Lulu was no bigger than the size of a large rat, or perhaps a small rabbit. Her fur was a dark gray, with black at the tips of ears and over her eyes. A bushy ringed tail adorned her backside, and it always liked to swish around whenever Drac stroked her, or scratched her belly. Right now, though, it lay at rest, curled around herself and tucked quite neatly under her small chin. Dracula smiled in his sleep and tugged the little animal closer. He knew his father, Vlad, didn't think it was reasonable to be hugging or snuggling up to a creature that was considered prey for them, but Drac didn't care. Lulu was a special little thing that he had happened to come across when learning how to hunt in the woods of the Carpathians one day. Vlad had taken down her mother for prey, and only when Drac happened to hear the little squeaking among the nearby shrubs did he part them and find the little raccoon baby, now orphaned. Dracula had felt pity for her, and had taken her home that very night, tending to her as though it were his own baby - feeding her, playing with her, and making sure that she knew how much he loved her by hugging her and kissing her furry little head. And now, she and him were going to have the best time when Drac awoke for the night in a few hours and set up for his birthday party. It was an exciting thing, and the little vampire was going to be proud to show his little friend the new set of fangs that his father had said would for certain pop out.

Only, little had Drac known that Lulu wouldn't even make it until the morning.

Looking back, he didn't realize what was happening until it was far too late. At first, he wasn't aware that the lid to his kiddie coffin had been opened at all, for it must have been done with the utmost caution to be quiet. What he did end up being aware of, however, was when the warm ball that was Lulu's fur suddenly slipped away from his loose embrace. Drac's brows furrowed in his sleep, and he stirred himself awake if only to see where she went. Perhaps switched to the other side of the bed? Or slunk out to retrieve a midday snack? Once his eyes were open however, he didn't expect his tired gaze to find what he did end up seeing.

Right before him, a few feet above his little open coffin, was his friend floating in midair. The racoon chittered in confusion.

"Lulu?" he asked tentatively.

She tried to reach out for him, but her efforts were ceased. Red light flashed in her eyes, and she began to spin her head while growling in a foreign language. Dracula shrunk back against his coffin, shivering in fear.

"L-Lul-lu what's w-wrong?" He stammered, tears pricking his eyes in fear for his friend.

But the odd behavior only continued. All at once, a hand flashed out from the shadows, gripping his Lulu around the neck.

It was Vlad!

His father gave him a knowing smirk before opening his jaws wide, long fangs extended to the maximum as he brought the hand holding the racoon closer to his mouth.

And then he chomped down on her neck.


A blood-curdling scream sounded in the room as Drac witnessed his little Lulu being eaten alive, her blood and fur dripping from Vlad's grinning mouth.

It was all too much for Dracula.

Just like it was all too much for Dennis.

The memory of Lulu had hit him right when he began to see how distressed his little grandson was getting at the sight of Kakie the Cake Monster turning into some awful sharp-toothed possessed demonic creature. Yes, Dracula wanted Dennis's fangs to pop out, even through the means of scaring the fangs out of him as was done to him. But, as the vampire now witnessed how it was affecting the little boy, he could feel his heart breaking.

"I'm scared Papa! What's happening to Kakie?"

Dennis buried his face in Drac's shirt, his little fists clinging tightly onto the black fabric as he tried to tune out the screaming of what used to be Kakie. The monster snarled at him, the candle on his head bursting with flames and sharp teeth protruding outward. Vlad, up on the corner of the stage, grinned with some malice, enjoying the display and anticipating what was happening as he controlled the demented creature.

"YOU DON'T EAT CAKE!" it bellowed. "CAKE EAT YOU!!!"


Dracula held his grandson, the boy practically in tears, and he felt very guilty for allowing this to happen.

He had to stop this.


Seizing the demented Kakie monster with his magic, he hauled him several feet back and reversed his horrendous features back to his normal, cartoonish self.

"Stop it!" he cried out, Dennis still shivering against his chest. Just like that, the chaos halted. The stage went silent, and everyone held their breath. He spared a glance down at his petrified little grandson and felt anger boiling inside at Vlad... and at himself. How stupid he was! He had almost let himself to do the very same thing that he hated his father for doing to him. Utterly ruining his favorite thing, scarring him for life, traumatizing such an innocent little mind when he didn't deserve it all.

And hopefully, it wasn't too late to have caused damage to the relationship as it had with his father.

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