In the City

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(WARNING: this part is for mature audiences only; slight m4m action) 

As the day ends I can't help but feel nervous. 'Why did he have to say it like that! His voice all seductive! I can't even focus!' I bite my lip and try to finish strong with my remaining students. The bell finally cuts me off and my students start to pack their things and head out. I gather my things and pack up my bag as well. Just as the last of my students leave I crash into my seat and try to calm myself down. 'Okay. We are just walking around the school. He's just showing me around.' I cheer up and my heart rate calms down. I lock my door and my stuff inside sense I'll just swing by before I leave and get it. 'It possibly can't take to long to tour the school.' 

I walk back down the stairs and head down the hall to where I first met him. I walk up to the door and knock softly. I can hear some rustling from the other side and the door slides open. 

"Afternoon Shota." I say.

"Nice to see you again Y/N." he replies smoothly. 

He gestures me in and I take a look around. "I was just cleaning up some of my papers then we can head out." 

"Okay, I'll just look around your room till then if that's okay." 

"Sure, knock yourself out. I'm sorry ahead of time if my students left any messes or work anywhere. They can be a hand full." he says smiling to himself. 

I look around and the room, it seems fairly clean. Although some desk have little scribbles on them. One has a little alien girl blasting a little ray gun is what it looks like. Another desk beside it has a boy with lightning coming from his hands firing towards the girl's desk. They almost look like they were fighting with their drawings. Another desk has burn marks on it. Almost like it's been under some intense heat and pressure. 'Some sort of fire quirk it looks like' . I walk over to the front board and there's some left over writing from his lecture. I lean in closer to read it. It looks like some of his students wrote some little notes on his board. 

'Aizawa has a date! Someone's got a crush!~ Good luck Mr. Aizawa! ' 

Shota looks back over at me from his papers. He quickly rushes over and jumps in front of me, realizing what I'm reading. I jump up and look at him. His face is bright red and sheepishly grinning at me. 

"What's the matter? They're cute kids. Besides they probably just got the wrong idea. You're just showing me around it's not like you're going on a date with a pretty woman." I say embarrassed by the thought of going out with him. 'WHY DID I SAY THAT?! I MADE MYSELF SO OBVIOUS!' I walk away towards the window to look out at the school yard. 

"I-Well... Walking you around the school is still pretty important to me." I hear him softly say beside me. "Are you ready for the tour?" he manages to ask.

"Lead the way. " I turn to look at him and he's smiling at me. 

We head out and he locks up the door. I match my pace beside him as we make our way down the hall. "This is the way to the cafeteria." He says pointing to the long hallway that loops around the school. "I noticed you didn't have any lunch from the cafeteria earlier. Just to reassure you it's this way and there's 2 floors of options to choose from. We like to be flexible with the kids to make sure they're all accommodated." We walk into this ginormous room. There's a lot of tables and it's a big open space. There's even T.Vs available for the students. I guess to watch the news or something. "It's so huge."

"Come on I'll show you the training area. That's where you can really show off your skill." He slowly holds out his hand for me to take. "Don't forget I sometimes shock." I remind him. "It's okay. I think I'm getting used to it." He confidently takes my hand. I feel my heartbeat picks up. His hands are rough and a little cold. 'Not what I expected honestly. And I'm sure this clears up anything awkward from earlier.' We keep walking and I look outside and the sun is slowly setting. I look back and his gaze his softly watching me. "How much more of the school is there to see." I ask breaking the silence between us. 

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