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"Shota! You told me we were gonna go get something to eat! I've been looking everywhere for you!" he whined. 

"I didn't promise that to you." Shota replies coldly. "If anything I promised to show our new staff member around this afternoon." He says gesturing to me. I give a small wave.

"So you both went to play in the training hall? Seems childish of you, Shota. Hey! How come we never spar?" 

"Because all you do is scream and yell. I don't wanna listen to that." He says rolling his eyes. I look back over at the man. It's the one who chased him through the halls earlier. 

"Meany. Maybe you and I can spar sometime? Hi! I'm Hizashi Yamada! Also known as Present Mic! You can just call me Mic!" He says smiling really wide at me. "And you might be?" he says excitedly while finger gunning at me. 

"I'm L/N, F/N. I don't have a pro hero name yet." I say embarrassed. 

"Oh well that's got to change ASAP! You know I helped Shota here with his hero name!" 

"Really?" I say shocked and slowly turning to Shota for confirmation. 

"Don't look at me like that." Shota replies coolly. 

"Maybe I can help you!" Mic says pointing at me. 

"That would be nice, thank you." I say giving him a smile. I see his face light up. He jumps high into the air. "YAAAHHOO! You see someone respects my input, Shota." He says while they glare angrily at each other like cats. Mic wraps an arm around me and we slowly walk out of the training hall. 

"Now let's all go get some dinner while we talk about a hero name for you." 


I know it was a short chapter but I just wanted to focus on Mic, as you can tell. It's just a little side conversation. There will be plenty of other chapter way longer than this one. 

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