Home (Dick)

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It took a whopping hour to get back home, and for once, it had nothing to do with Dick's grandpa driving; that fault fell to the shaking ball of fluff that clung to Jason's arm.

Round amber eyes seemed all cute -blinking owlishly from the bundle of Jason's oversized coat- but they turned into the eyes of a demon when faced with the enclosed space of a car. Sharp pup teeth had nothing on meta fangs, kid or not, and Tim had been the only one to escape unscathed from that whole deal; though they'd all be paying for the claw marks dug into the paint, door, and seats later (The car may have been Dick's, but it was still a classic that Alfred would have their heads for damaging).

As they stood in the foyer to Wayne Manor, bruised, irritated, and bleeding, they were reminded of another crucial miscalculation.

"Bruce isn't back yet, is he?" Dick groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Doesn't look it, Big Bird. There's a distinct lack of his post-work doom and gloom stink." Jason sighed, nudging the kid towards the kitchen, and Dick followed a tail-length behind.

"He's not gonna be back for another three days!" Tim called from the foyer, and Dick's fluffy ears went sideways, vaguely catching a mumble from their newest ill-gotten brother. Jason hummed something back and ruffled the kid's hair, crooked tail flicking absently back and forth.

"Okay, cool, fine." He scrubbed at his face and pulled to a stop at the edge of the tile. "Jay, he's your responsibility until then. I'm gonna give B a heads up and find a room Furball can stay in that's not stuffed with dust or creepy old people shit."

"His name's Brin." Jason mentioned distractedly, trying to coax the kid into staying on one of the barstools. "Just...stay put. I really don't want you in the way while I'm cooking."

"Nice to meet you, Brin, I'm Dick." He tried smiling at the pup, only to get bared teeth and a glare that could've wilted grass. "Okay, yeah, no. I'm not getting bit a fourth time. Have fun Jaybird!" Dick didn't quite hightail it out of the kitchen, but it was definitely a form of hurrying, tail tucked as out of reach as he could get it.

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