Room (Brin)

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Brin blinked at the room sitting before him, unsettled by its size, and almost wanted to crawl right back into that car.
A large, wood-framed bed sat squashed in the far corner, piled in a ridiculous amount of multicolored pillows and some hero-themed blanket that neatly contrasted the bright colors with black and blue. There was a matching dresser to the right of the door, and another fluffy-looking, hero-themed rug stretched between them, blue and red this time. The whole room smelled vaguely of peppermint and laundry soap.
"This is kinda where we keep all the stuff that Bruce and the-and his co-workers like to chuck at us." Jason said, shooing him further in. "They like superheroes, if you couldn't tell."
"I...couldn't." Brin admitted, ears drooping. "I don't know many of them."
"Huh." The omega's eyebrows raised, but he didn't try and dig into it. "Well, if you want my opinion, Batman sucks. Wonder Woman's cooler."
"They sound like the most basic freak show attractions in all of history, and that's coming from the 'Wolf Boy'." Brin's scoff slipped out before he could stop it, and he stiffened when Jason's mouth thinned. "I'm sorry."
There was a heavy beat of silence, and Brin could hear the gears turning between rounded ears before Jason said something again.
"Honestly, you're kinda right about Bats, he's weird as hell. The Wonder Woman slander, on the other hand..." His hand clapped down on Brin's shoulder, who made a little "eep" sound and fluffed up like a scared cat. "I'm gonna have to leave you at the mercy of a Timbo rant for that one."
"I don't know what that is, but I think I already hate it." Brin rasped nervously, and Jason barked out a laugh.
"Eh, give him a month, you'll figure how to tune it out. Eventually." The omega let him go and ruffled Brin's hair, smiling softly. "You can stay in here. There's a bathroom over through that door and some clothes in the closet that should fit you, but let us know if they don't."
"Well, yeah, Bruce has a bad habit of adopting kids and we have a bad habit of bullying him into it." Jason chuffed, tugging Brin into a squeezing side-hug. "Besides, you're like, nine. Can't exactly set you loose in the streets, bad for the conscience."
"Uh huh." Brin gave the older boy an unimpressed look, only getting a wider grin from him in return. "I'm eleven."
"Point still stands, Brinny, you're stuck with us."

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