Loving You Through the Smoke

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NOTE: There is a part in the story were they talk about a very sensitive topic that might be triggering for some please be careful as you read, it'll be towards the end

Walking into Atsumu's dorm room felt like walking into a burning house with all the smoke going around. Osamu was only a few steps into the dorm and he was already coughing to the point it hurt. After Osamu finished coughing and could finally breathe normally he heard a door open inside of the dorm. His twin brother (he didn't care if he was older by 10 minutes or not he wasn't gonna give Atsumu the satisfaction of being older than him) came running down the hallway, a little too fast because as he rounded the corner he almost slipped and had to catch himself on the corner of the wall.

Next time he'll think before running on wood floor in socks

"Samu! You're finally here!"

Atsumu came closer to him, but before he got too close Osamu held his arms out to keep him at a certain distance, "Hell no Tsumu! You smell like weed, you know I hate that smell!"

"I'm sorry Samu, I didn't expect you to be this early"

"I told you I'd be here January 18th"

"Yeah you're early"

"..Tsumu..how high are you?"

Atsumu made an offended sound, "I'm not that high!" He can't be serious..right? "Today is January 18th" Atsumu laughed like Osamu had told the funniest joke he's ever heard in his life, which was weird because Osamu didn't really make jokes...like a all, "Don't be silly no its.." Osamu pulled out his phone and showed his brother the date, it did in fact say 'January 18th' Atsumu didn't say anything for 5 minutes trying to process the information, "..Well shit"

"It's only 12PM why are you smoking this early, and how did you smoke so much that it filled the whole dorm room!"

"It's not just me here"

Osamu's not even surprised. He had known that Atsumu had a boyfriend and every attempt Atsumu made to introduce them, Osamu always found an excuse not to go. He didn't care about his boyfriend and he definitely didn't care about meeting him. Atsumu's boyfriend was a stoner as well and he knew for a fact that he smoked more than Atsumu does and if he had to guess he probably smelt like weed 24/7

"If it's your weed walking boyfriend, I'm gonna hit you"

"There's no need to be rude" Osamu didn't even realize two other people exiting the hallway and staring at his brother and his interaction. They both were tall, definitely over 6'0, one had black curly hair and the other had plain brown

The curly haired one had eyes that could be mistaken for pitch black, he had two moles on the right side of his forehead, he also had a blank between his fingers and was still smoking from it

The other guy had greyish yellow eyes, a board expression, and thankfully no blank

By process of elimination and with the little information Osamu remembered from his brothers endless rants on how 'hot he is' he determined that the one with the blank was Atsumu's boyfriend and the other guy..he had no idea.

"I'm gonna guess you're the guy that's been fucking my brother?" He didn't mean to feed the assholes ego or anything but he wasn't happy with the smirk that appeared on his face when he said that, "Well I do make him org-"

"Suna Rintarou, but you can call me anything you like sweetheart" no

"Suna don't hit on my brother! At least not in front of me"

"Then next time we're all together how about you and fuck-face keep your hands out of each others pants"

"I don't know what you're possibly talking about" Suna gave Atsumu a deadpan face before he started to mock Atsumu, which was gross, "Oh Omi please don't stop it feels so good, I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum, Omi-kun!" He did not need to hear that. His face definitely showed his disgust in what he heard. While his brother was blushing with embarrassment, that prick Sakusa didn't even bat an eye at this in fact that asshole was even smirking..smirking!!

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