Scythe Fiesta

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Bronya's POV

"Well, Bronya expected it to be a killing spree but Bronya didn't expect a Honkai Massacre." Bronya said to herself, watching the trio through the holoscreen. "Theresa-san is watching all of this right? Is it bad to feel sympathy for the Honkai Beasts because of this?"  Bronya asked as a blue holoprojection of the Principal of St. Freya Academy came into Bronya's view.

"... I already expected them to wipe the floor on this mission but this feels like a one-sided war. I also feel like 5 years is too little to generate such a good teamwork with each other by what we can see. Despite not having enough information of what he Emperor-Class can do, they play it safe here and there and before attacking it. Soon enough they'll have enough information on what it can do and will be able to go all out. A literal three-people-army right here." Theresa answered Bronya, seemingly very focused on their fight. "What's the probability of my prediction now that we've both seen them fight together?"

Bronya looks out the window of the aircraft Bronya's in and observed the three as they fight the horde. "With Theresa-san's prediction of them wiping them out and leaving only a third of the entire population of Honkai Beasts, Bronya thinks that it's possible for them to do it. When Bronya, Mei-neesan and Kiana came to the Valley, we didn't do as well as other since but according to Himeko-sensei we only finished a fourth of the ever growing Honkai Beasts. Our feat will be nothing but a pebble to their boulder once they're done with this."

Theresa-san giggled at this and continued to watch the three as Bronya went back to Bronya's seat by the bridge. We continued to monitor them fight and annihilate any Honkai Beast that stands in their way. After 30 minutes of straight slaughter, we noticed that Y/n has taken a stance.

"Shadow Blade!" Y/n shouted before a black circular motion was seen from above by Bronya and Theresa-san as ii cleared out any and every Honkai Beast in a 5-meter-radius.

"Bronya, pick them up and let Project: Bunny start the analyzation then pass it up on to me. I'll review them to set them up for their upcoming tests and missions. The three of them did a great job, after all." Theresa-san spoke up before Theresa-san's hologram started to fade away in blue particles. Bronya did what Theresa-san has instructed.

Veliona's POV

"OI Y/N!!! What the hell was that for!? Why clear all of the enemies up in a certain radius!?" I yelled at him, panting before looking around at the enemies as they start to charge at us.

"Oh just admit it Veliona. We are damn TIRED. We have been fighting nonstop and no break for last half an hour. But you're stubbornness won't allow you to tell that to us that even Seele is keeping her mouth shut rather than speaking up." Y/n mentioned as we both stare at Seele, resting on top her scythe's handle that is nailed down on the ground. She quickly took notice of us and smiled.

"D... Don't worry... about me... I'm... doing fine... Just... give me a minute... or two." Seele breathed in and out rapidly as she kept up her smile. "B-But... Y/n has a point... Veliona... We-we need a break... so we can fight again..." She continued, seemingly able to speak clearly.

I stared at her for a few seconds before sighing, giving up on continuing any further since our stamina may have gone up but was still limited in the end. I planted the blade of my scythe on the ground making it stand up and used it to lay back on the handle. "So, how are we going to call on Bronya?" I asked before seeing Y/n smirk. "What's with you? Tired so much that you can barely smile?"

Y/n took a deep breath and showed me a smile after gaining composure which took me back that I almost slid off the handle of my scythe but regained my stance. Luckily Y/n didn't notice the blunder but unfortunately Seele looked at me and replied with a tilt of her head. Ughhh... I hope she doesn't say anything.

"Well, the reason why I used my Shadow Blade is because Bronya is most likely watching all three of us fight. I used that as an indication that we're done. Hopefully she gets it without me telling her though, if she is as smart as everybody says." Y/n answered and pointed up at their aircraft. Soon enough, the air around us starts getting pushed on us as we look above.

"Bronya-Oneechan!!!" Seele erupts with a loud yell towards the descending aircraft and stopped a few feet from the ground. Seele immediately picked herself up and rushed to the sliding door as it got opened by Bronya, tackling her in the process. "Bronya-Oneechan!!!" She cried out again.

I sighed at her attitude. You could at least lessen your cry you know. I glanced towards Y/n who gave her a relieved smile. At the same time, my chest throbbed and I felt pain in it. I clutched it with one of my arms and took a look at it but there was no blood near it. Even though I own this body now... What was that feeling of pain..? I doubt that I'm getting an injury from the outside because it'll also appear outside... If it's not physical pain... What kind of pain is it..? I thought to myself before snapping out from my thoughts with Y/n's face right infront of mine. As a quick decision coming from me and an impulse, I slapped him hard that he fell face first to the ground. "What do you think were you doing Y/n!?"

"Sheesh, I just came to check up on you since I saw you put your hand on your chest like you're not feeling well. Are you okay Veliona?" He stated after getting up from the ground. He walked passed by me, making me feel the same pain from before again, and climbed up the aircraft before reaching out his hand to me. I stared at it for a few seconds before looking up at him. "Well, you can't keep us waiting. Plus, they're going to catch up." He smiled at me, making me feel another weird feeling. I shook my head and took his hand as he pull me into the aircraft. He smiled once more as I feel my face heat up, smacking his face away from me with my free hand.

"Alright, you had your fun with me will you let me go now or would you rather-?" I said before his hand left my own.

"Okay, okay, no need to throw punches, Veliona." He said, interrupting me as he lets go of my hand. His weirdly warm hands... He then went to go and help Bronya and Seele who are still on the floor as Seele tackled her and fell asleep on the spot. I heard Bronya ask Y/n to carry her to her bed in our quarters but the thought of Y/n carrying Seele made me react on impulse.

"Oh no, I'll be the one holding Seele, Y/n. You can go take care of our weapons." I quickly uttered before rushing in and picking up the light sleeping Seele. Both Bronya and Y/n gave me a weird look before shrugging it and went on with their own business as I carry Seele to our quarters. Once I was able to tuck her in, I sat at the foot of her bed and remembered what happened with myself. What in the world happened to me...


Words: 1268
Last Edited: 02/13/2023

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