pain (update)

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hurts so bad its so damn annoying like the skin is so dry and it itches so bad in the night,

sleepless nights. whenever i lay down on my back it hurts, plus i stopped listening to subliminals for like a couple days but it still shows signs which is great ! :D ever week i take a pic of my back il try to draw it as accurate as possible so later on the progress so i can check how much it changed

things im having

- mild back pain

- itchy as hell

- dry skin on back

btw im exited for demon slayer season 2 two come out on netflix its in 3 days iv been waiting so long, also you guys should watch this one k-drama my older sister wanted us to watch it so we did, its really good the name of it is "My Name" idk why its called that but i recommend it to you

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