the birds that always hang around

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so our house has a tree and other stuff. and these two doves always like to hang around here. i see them everyday for a whole year. i could get pretty close to them. i saw them mating once 😳.

they made a nest on our tree and laid eggs. the eggs were eaten by bigger birds. with i was really sad about :(. and they laid more eggs :DDD!!! they got eaten again :'((( and they laid more eggs (how much eggs will this borb lay) and finally they hatched. 2 of them :) i watched them grow up. and one freezing day. the young bird crashed into our window. i rushed outside and sy him laying down. he was laying on his stomach not dead :). i picked him up with a towel ad put him inside were it was much more warm, i rapped him in a warm towel and put him behind the dishwasher( my grandma might see it if i didnt put him there). it was in the morning. i was in a rush to school. we came back from school and i checked up on him. he was flying all around and there was shart EVERYWHERE. my aunt found him, she was a bit mad about the shart but she was happy that we helped him, and she said it was a good deed. and the birds grew up. once the bird that we saved was on out tree perching, he seemed frozen and didnt move, it was high up so i tried throwing soft things around him but he didnt move, i didnt kno what to do :( but i just went inside and the next day he was on a different thing perching. but the next day he wwas fine. and the other one comes often. and the whole family is still always here. rn there slamming there self on my roof wth are they doing. i also think my budgies and the father of the birds and friends. whenever i put my birds cage outside they always come down and start chirping at eachother. and hangs around them a lot. i could get pretty close to them too :)

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