chapter 2

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tip: H/T means hometown 🤫

Y/N's next class was chemistry, and upon walking into the classroom, all eyes were on them. every single eye in that room bore into them, causing them to wish to just melt into the shadows of the corner. They awkwardly stood there until the teacher ushered them to stand at the front.

"You must be Y/N L/N. The new student." The teacher said, monotonously. She had a sunken face, one which was no stranger to wrinkles. Her lips were paper thin, the only thing giving volume to them was the thin line of red lipstick she had put on. Going along with the theme of paper-thin was her eyebrows. Straight, black lines above her eyes that were construed in a permanent RBF. What brought this look together was her stereotypical old white woman bun. Wisps of gray hairs were caught around her face as the bun was messily put up.

"Well, don't just stand there. Tell us about yourself, or whatever new students do."

Y/N stared blank-faced at the teacher for a few seconds. They caught sight of the name tag on her desk. Mrs. Bone was her name and she certainly looked the part.

"My name is Y/N L/N..." They paused, thinking of what to say. "I'm 16... I come from H/T... That's pretty much it."

They looked onward into the classroom. It was much larger than the others, as it had to have special desks for experiments. There was a total of nine other students with five lab tables, all of which had partners. Except for one. Y/N had no choice but to sit there as the teacher waved them off, grumbling about kids these days.

The student without a partner had a backward baseball cap on, and his sleeves were folded messily up to his elbows. Small tufts of messy brown hair poked out at the base of the cap. Y/N gave him a small smile before sitting down, to which the boy raised his eyebrows and gave an awkward smile back before resting his head on the palm of his hand.

It was an awkward encounter, that's for sure. The teacher droned on and on about what we would be doing this semester. It would start with going over the basics of Chemistry, and then go more in-depth about atoms and the periodic table. Y/N couldn't help but feel excited. Science was always one of their best and favorite subjects, constantly asked questions about the teacher and the methods of it all. It truly was fascinating.

A few minutes passed and Y/N looked over to their lab partner to the sound of light snoring. He was sleeping. Amazing, just great. They sighed, analyzing him. His head was rested on the table, covered by his forearms. The cap had fallen forward, exposing the slightly tangled, wavy brown hair.

Y/N decided to let him rest for the remainder of the period, who knows what he's going through to make him so tired.

At the end of the period, when the bell rang, he still hadn't woken up yet. So, Y/N gather what little courage they had to lightly shake him awake, pushing his shoulder a tiny bit. The man groaned, groggily lifting his head up and glaring at Y/N.

"What." He grumbled. His accent caught Y/N's curiosity. "Well... the bell rang and I didn't want you to be late for class..."

"The next class is lunch. You can not be late for lunch."

"Shit, you're right. I'm- I'm so sorry. First day... you know. Don't have my schedule memorized just yet." Y/N chuckled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. Y/N didn't realize just how intimidating this guy was...

He stood up, heading for the door before Y/N called out to him, "Wait! I never- got your name. Since we're lab partners I should at least know your name."

The boy eyed them, his face construed into one of confusion. Does this person not know him? Everyone knows him, the angriest boy in town.

"Mischa. Now let me leave." Mischa turned away, heading for the door once more.

"Mischa..." Y/N whispered, deciding to let him go this time. They could tell he was annoyed by their little interaction, and it was best not to push him further. They did, however, make a mental note to ask him about his accent...

Leaving the class, Y/N remembered the bulletin board. It was a good time to check it out, they decided. Quickly walking over, they grabbed a sheet of paper with a sign up page and audition dates. Opening their phone, they jotted down the dates in their calendar.

The sign up page was pinned to the bulletin board, all you had to do was write down your name and the day you'd like to audition, to which you would be contacted after a few days.

Y/N wrote their name in the nicest handwriting possible, wanting it to be legible when they find their name in the records to contact them. So far, there were only two others who had signed up for auditions, but there was only one spot open, so competition was fierce.

"Auditioning for the chamber choir, I see." Y/N turned around to see Noel, holding his lunch tray.

"Yeah, I was in the choir I my old school so I figured... why not do it again."

"Well, I'll put in a good word for you. I'm actually in the choir myself, so are my friends. I'm heading there to meet them now, if you'd like to join. We all eat in the library, we're the only ones there."

"I'd like that, thank you." Y/N smiled, appreciating his generosity. The last thing they wanted was to sit alone in the cafeteria, looking like a loser with no friends.

"Come on, the library's this way." Noel started heading towards the end of the hallway, Y/N following close behind.

Before, Y/N didn't play closer attention to the hallways, but now that they were empty, they were able to see all the decorations hanging up. Different school spirit signs and anti-bullying messages were scattered about. A few lockers had different stickers on them, one or two having post it notes stuck to the front, but Y/N didn't have a chance to read them.

Eventually, they both got to the library. It was a cozy little room, including an area of tables for the kids to sit at. The bookshelves had been organized by the genre of each book, and it was heaven. Y/N planned on coming back, the library was always a place of comfort.

"Hey guys!" Noel smiled, then sneering once he got sight of a ginger girl sitting at the table. "...And Ocean. Guess what, I brought a friend!" He put his lunch tray on the table, and gestured towards Y/N.

Y/N waved, smiling softly. "Oh, hello!" The ginger stood up, shaking their hand. "I'm Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Oh, no, I didn't-"

"You must be Y/N L/N! You've been the talk of the town lately with your coming, but I don't like to gossip, it's against my buddhist beliefs." Ocean announced, smiling too widely at Y/N. "Any friend of Noel is a friend of mine!"

"Charmed..." Y/N gave Ocean a half-hearted smile.

"Allow me to introduce you to everyone! We're all members of the St. Cassian Chamber Choir, so naturally we're all such good friends."

"This one here is my best friend, Constance Blackwood!" Ocean put her hands on the shoulders of another girl, who sat next to Ocean's empty seat. She seemed clearly uncomfortable with the current situation, giving Y/N a small wave and an awkward smile.

"The one in the black braids is Penny Lamb, she's not much of a talker, and the one next to her is Ricky Potts, he can't talk at all." She whispered that last part, however Ricky very much could hear her as he passed notes with Penny.

"We have one more member, Mischa Bachinski, but he doesn't like to hang out with us outside of choir rehearsal. I don't like talking bad about people, but praise the lord hallelujah for that." Ocean gratefully sighed. "He's probably off doing drugs or giving more alcohol to minors again."

That sparked a tiny argument between Ocean and Noel, but Y/N payed no mind to it, all they could think about was the fact that Mischa was in the choir. He didn't seem like the type. Right? Truly, Y/N has no right to judge. People can be surprising all the time. It just gives them more reason to ace the audition, Mischa seemed like a very interesting person, and Y/N was curious to know more about him.

word count: 1489

i didn't NOT mean for this chapter to be so long good lord. it was originally supposed to stop after mischa left the classroom but it was too short 😞😞😞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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