Jungwonxfemale reader

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You and Jungwon are together for almost half a year now. He is the sweetest person on earth, he takes care of you and he never misses a chance to shower you with his love. Of course, you also show him your most beautiful side as you never miss the chance to show him how much he means to you.

It's your 7th month anniversary together and you can't wait to celebrate. You both have already talked about how you would like to spend it together. The only thing you haven't said to each other is your gifts. Since you are always so open with each other you know exactly what your interests are and what are your preferences. As you are done with the preparations for your night, you go to your room to get ready. You wear a beautiful blue dress, that Jungwon gifted you for your birthday, golden earrings and a gold necklace, with your black heels. After you apply your makeup you go downstairs, as you wait for him to come home from work. Of course you don't forget the last detail, as you take a small blue velvet box and place it on the table carefully, as it contains a golden watch Jungwon really liked.

After some time as you drink a glass of wine you put for yourself, you hear footsteps coming from outside and then the key turning in the lock. You quickly get up as you take the box and hides it behind your back as the door opens to reveal a tired Jungwon. "Welcome home baby" you say with a smile. Jungwon smiles back as he comes closer to kiss you. "Happy 7th month anniversary my love. You look stunning" he says lovingly as he kisses you gently. "What have you done?" he laughs as he looks at the decorations you put on earlier. "c'mon it's a special night. We deserve it" you say as he brings you closer to him. "You are right. Indeed is a special night" he says as you look at him. "Before you say anything else" you stop him as you reveal the box behind your back and give it to him "open this" you say with a smile as he looks at you amused. "What did you buy me again?" Jungwon says as he recalls the previous gifts he had received from you, the one being two matching braceletes which he hates but you decided to tease him and the other being a little plant which he keeps in his office since he has no other space to place it in the house. "There is only one way to find out" you say as you signal him to open the box. He looks at you as he laughs and opens the small box and his eyes widen in surprise.

"Babe what-" he says as he stares down at the watch in disbelief. "You didn't have to-" he tries to say but you shut him down with a kiss. "I don't wanna hear it. You wanted that watch more than anything. I couldn't not give it to you, I know how much you wanted to have it. So, accept it" you say with a smile as he laughs and brings you closer to him. "You are the best you know that? Thank you, I am so lucky to have you" he says as he kisses you gently. You retuen the kiss as your hands travel to his neck holding him closer. As you break the kiss, Jungwon looks at you with a teasing smile. "Now my turn" he says as he slowly gets up and goes to the front door. "Where are you going?" you say as you laugh, wondering what he had planned. He opens the door and takes a box from outside. He then closes the door as he comes towards you.

"What is that?" you say laughing as he gives it to you. "Open it up" he says with a smile as you curiously open the small box, only to gasp as you take a look at the small black kitren inside of it. "A kitten! Oh my god, a kitten!" you say excitedly as you try your best not to scare it. Jungwon laughs as he finds you cute, giggling over the cat. "I knew you wanted one for a long time and to be honest, i wanted one to. So, we finally have it here. Isn't it adorable?" he says as he looks at it as its open his eyes and starts meowing to get your attention. You can't help but playing with it as you giggle, failing to see Jungwon's soft gaze on you as you are being too occupied with the small creature on your lap. "How are we gonna name it? Is it a boy or a girl? It's so tiny oh my gosh i can't" you say as you cannot believe you finally have a little creature like this in your life. "It's a boy but I can't think of a name yet" Jungwon says as he takes it in his arms to pet it and you can't help but coo as it curles up into his hands. "How about Wonie?" you say as you look at Jungwon. "Wonie? From Jungwon?" he laughs. "Yeah, he will keep me company while you are at work. And it also suits him perfectly, look at him" you say as you slowly pat its little head and the kitten purrs as it curls up more beside you. "Why not?" Jungwon says as he pats its little head. "Welcome home Wonie" you say and then you look at Jungwon lovingly. "I love you baby" you say as you hold his hand. "I love you too Y/N" he says as he kisses you slow and deep, keeping your fingers interwined as Wonie slowly comes to sit between you as it falls aslerp. You giggle as you watch the small kitten sleeping, looking like a baby in your arms.

And that exact moment, you knew that you needed nothing more for you to be happy. Because you already have everything you wanted right there with you.

HELLO EVERYONE! A shorter chapter this time and a different one. I couldn't not associate Jungwon with a cat, please have you all seen the video with enhypen and the kittens? It's just adorable I can't. Anyways, I hope you like it!! 💖

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