A curse in cairo

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Soon burns is seen in a room with bandages wrapped around his eyes"I'm so pleased to meet you"he muffled through his tongueless mouth as some drul likes out the side of his mouth before using a cloth to wipe it off before leaning over to shake hand switch someone before Beni is seen grabbing his wrist before he can touch Imhotep who was disguised and black robes with a mask pretending to be a prince."prince Imhotep does not like to be touched. A silly Eastern superstition I'm afraid"Beni explained as he places burs arm back on the chair.

"Please for give me"he muffled as he goes to fix them some tea only to make a mess as he whimpers.beni"oh ho ohh oops" soon crutches sitting down by the arm of the chair besides Mr burns."Mr burns...prince Imhotep thanks you for your hospitality...."as burns smiles waving it off as if it was no big deal."and for your eyes...for your tongue"making the smile fall slowly from burns face as"wha--" he starts to tremble with fear at beni's next words."but I'm afraid more is needed.to the prince must finish the job"he goes to stand back up slowly as burns grabs at him with fear shakeing "and consummate the curse which you and your friends...brought apon your self"beni finished as he back away from burns who was shouting just as Imhotep pulls the mask off showing his rotted mummy curse face as burns lets out one last blood curdleing scream.

Soon moona is seen in her room starring out the window just a gray storm clouds roll in with lightning and thunder as she goes to the sink in her room to fix her a glass of water but soons spits it back out when. It tasted just like blood before her eyes widen realizing that this was one of the ancient Egyptian flags that means he was here.she then rushed out of room to warn everyone.she soon sees Rick running "Rick he's here!"she yells out to him as she runs up to him.he explained that he knows since he had the same think happened with his drink before both are rushing off to look for evy.

Soon evy is seen walking as she has multiple box in his hands as thunder roars through the sky before Rick and moona are seen running around the corner "oh Evelyn"Rick calls out making Evie turn with somewhat of a smirk as they catch up to her breathing heavily."oh your still here"making moona confused at the tension between the two as thunder roars across the sky once more"we've got a problem"he smiles while he laughs nervously when all of sudden the storm turns worse as loud thunder claps with lighting flashing through the sky just as what looked like small meteors are seen falling from the sky as the who cario Egypt was shown some hitting the pyramids as some other hits the builds as a stone town falls as one of the meteors hits it causing the stone tower to fall with a clash.

Soon the three are shown taking cover undo the roofing of the side walk as some of the meteors hit the ground were they ounce were as many soldiers are seen catching on fire as they run away coming to a stop by some stairs as they watch the destruction around them as many yells can be heard just as beni is seen running down some steps only to gasp seeing O'Connell they turn to see him going to run back up the steps just as Rick grabs him by the shirt."hey! Beni you little stinkweed where you been"Rick hollers as he shoves beni against the wall when all of a sudden a familiar loud roar is heard gaining there attention giving beni the time to escape while they run to where the noise came from.

Soon they come to the room that Mr burns was on only to see is body all shivered up dead"oh my God"moona whispered to her self before another roar was heard in the room causing everyone to pull out there weapons as the turn to see the mummy regenerating some while roaring as everyone looks wide eyed at him as the Americans and Jonathan soon joing comeing in through another way"we are in serious trouble"Rick states out the obvious while the mummy roars comeing at them menacingly as Rick starts to shoot at him but it doesn't do anything as Imhotep soon grabs Rick tossing him in to the others as he shoves monna to the side as she tumbles on to the ground just as she looks up seeing the mummy getting close to Evie who backs away."you saved me from the undead.i thank you" he speaks in Egyptian as he leans and to kiss her only sound came from the piano causing the mummy to turn to see a white cat hissing at him.

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