A Fight for Bravery

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Gamindustri, Planeptune

We cut to the next scene showing Planeptune as we heard an explosion sound coming from the city.

Next, we see Neptune, Kirby, IF, Compa, Ribbon, and Steamax running from the other side of the streets and they see a giant monster rampaging through the city.

Neptune: Wha, wha, wha... What is thiiiiiiiiis?!

???: Rrrrrgh... Rrrrrgh...

Then, we see B-Sha who was chasing at the giant monster while shooting.

B-Sha: Eat this!

B-Sha fires at the giant monster which cause the monster to get hit by it and stumbles into the ground.

???: Chuuuuu...

Steamax: T-This voice... Could it possibly be Sir Warechu?

Compa: What?! You mean that giant mouse?!

Neptune: No way! That's the rat?! He looks like the final boss!

Warechu: Chuuuuu...!

IF: Yeah, not possible. What kind of magic would you have to use to turn this rat into that monster.

Neptune: OH! Could it be... because he was friendzoned...?

IF: O-Of course not! But whatever it is, I didn't expect B-Sha to be the first to rush over here. When did she get over her intense fear of monsters.

Neptune: I bet she saw the children being attacked, and shook off her trauma, just like a real hero would.

Ribbon: I guess that could be the case.

Neptune: Let's go back her up!

Kirby: Poyo.

Then, they rush forward to help B-Sha out. B-Sha then notice Neptune who was coming towards her and said.

B-Sha: Newcomers?!

B-Sha started to attack Neptune as she blocks the attack taking no damage.

Neptune: Woah?! That was pretty rough! Hey, B-Sha, I'm not the enemy!

Steamax: Lady Neptune, don't get careless and don't get too close to her!

Neptune: Huh?

Steamax: It seems Sir Warechu isn't the only one acting strange.

Compa: W-What do you... mean?

B-Sha: What? More newcomers? I'll turn any monsters in front of me into meat chunks!

B-Sha started shooting at the monsters as the monsters were dodging her attacks.

B-Sha: Tch! Don't run away! I'm gonna kill them all the monsters! Kill them! KILL THEM!!

B-Sha continue to shoot at the monsters until they were defeated.

Neptune: Yikes! She's gone completely bonkers! Her change is crazier than Blanc's.

Steamax: Judging by her behavior, it's possible she views us all as enemy monsters.

Steamax: ...and this may not be limited to us.

Compa: Does that mean she can look anybody and think they're a meanie monsters?!

Steamax: Most likely.

IF: If that's the case, this is gonna be troublesome.

IF: It'd be fine if B-Sha was just fighting the rat, but if we get in the middle of them, both of them might direct their attacks towards us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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