8. Silence

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Around 12pm the girls woke up

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Around 12pm the girls woke up. Ayeong being the first of the two.

"Aish my head! How much did I drink?.." Ayeong said rubbing her forehead.

"Ayeong! How did we get in here?... the last thing I remember was passing out on the hallway floor." Minyoung said walking through to the living room.

"No.. please god no!." Ayeong said after the realisation hit her.

"What?" Minyoung said raising an eyebrow before gasping as lifting a hand over her mouth.

"We looked like such idiotssss! You know how we get when we're drunk! Minyounggggg!!!!" Ayeong moaned angrily.

"Now he a hundred percent thinks I'm weak! For fuck sake!." Ayeong cursed.

"I'm sure he doesn't! Let's just go out to eat. Let's get you and me washed and changed. Like right now."
Minyoung said holding her nose as the smell of alcohol flooded her nostrils.

After getting changed and washed the two girls stepped out of the apartment and went to the local cafe.

As soon as the looked around Ayeong hid her face behind Minyoung's back.

"What is it now?!" Minyoung groaned annoyed before looking in the direction Ayeong was hiding from, before gasping and spinning round to face Ayeong.

"Let's just go sit on the other side of the cafe?!" Ayeong said before dragging Minyoung, deciding not to look back. 

Finally they made it to their table. Sighing Ayeong visibly relaxed when she saw they were out of the two's view. But matters of course had to always get worse.

"Ah Ayeong!!!!! Minyoung!!!! We've missed you! How have you guys been!" Then the woman faced Ayeong
"still not got a boyfriend yet? Honey it's been 3 years! Get over him!" The woman began laughing as Ayeong stood there with her head hung low.

"Aish honey! Don't be sad, I'm sure the right person is out there waiting for you!." Ayeong looked up at the two woman standing in front of her and Minyoung.

"I do have a boyfriend aunties!. He's a CEO like me!. And Minyoung over here has a boyfriend too!" Ayeong smiled forcefully.

"Yah really?! Let's have dinner with them! At that expensive hotel, it's about a two hour drive but, we can stay over there for a couple days. Us two older ladies sharing a room while you and your boyfriends get your own!"

Minyoung tried to interfere but Ayeong cut her off.

"Of course aunties! It would be my pleasure! I'll book straight away." Ayeong said bowing.

"Good! Alright, well we better be off! Buh bye ladies!"

"Bye!" Ayeong said before she was hit in the back of the head by Minyoung.

"Are you stupid ?!*hit on the arm* we don't have freaking boyfriends and now they think we do! We are screwed. Doomed. Done for! How do we tell them we don't actually have guys?!"

"We can just get someone to be our boyfriends for the week, no biggie!" Ayeong said.

Minyoung scoffed.

"Let's just go. I need some sushi right about now."

"Okay. I'm sorry Minnie I didn't mean to say yes! It just all came ou-"

"It's fine."

"Wait! The guys are h-" Ayeong started but it was too late. They had already seen them and started walking over.

"Shit." Minyoung muttered under her breath.

Minyoung smiled at the two boys and bowed. Then her expression changed. It fell into a serious bitch face.

"Look guys we have a favour. Sit." Minyoung said not taking any shit.

Minyoung and Ayeong sat down and as soon as Ayeong opened her mouth Minyoung spoke.

"I hope I'm not asking for too much here but. Ayeong got us into a huge fat problem. You see my mum has two sisters, and well they were here. Ayeong said we have boyfriends after they insulted her and called her single multiple times. Now we are stuck going on a full week trip with them and we don't actually have boyfriends. I know surprisingly. So. We are asking super nicely if you could please help, be our boyfriends for a week?" She said smiling placing her chin on the back of her joined Hands.

The two boys looked flustered to say the least.

"I mean look if you don't wa-" Ayeong nearly finished saying before she was interrupted AGAIN.

"No we will do it." Tae mu said placing his locked hands onto the table before slightly tilting his head.

"Who's sleeping with who?"

This caught Ayeong off guard as she began choking on her coffee.

"W..well, they told us couples had to sleep together so we just assumed one would sleep on the couch and the other would sleep on the bed?" Ayeong said slowly.

"It'll have to do i guess." Taemu said smirking at Ayeong.

Flustered she stood up and muttered a thank you, quickly grabbing her friends hand a leaving.


A week later.

Next episode

"I'll sleep on the couch"

"Just sleep with me it's not a big deal"

"Are you sure?"

"It's it's you then of course."


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