Chapter 1

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Sabrina woke up one day, and it was bright and sunny. It was a beautiful day in January. The snow under the golden sun sparkled like a brand new wedding dress. Sabrina didn't like her school, but she was excited to see her friends and Justice. Sabrina went to a small school for kids with special needs. It was 45 minutes away from Sabrina's home. Sabrina hopped into the minivan and plugged in her headphones. She listened to her favorite band, which is Pierce The Veil. The voice of Vic Fuentes makes Sabrina happy. When Sabrina arrived to her school, she went to put her school backpack into her first period class. She went to go visit Shawn, and her other friends. Shawn was a nice boyfriend; however, sometimes he was bullying Sabrina for now reason.

"Sup, Sabrina!" Shawn says casually to Sabrina.

"Everything is pretty amazing!" Sabrina replied

Justice enters the school. In Justice's car, her German Shepard stuck his head out the window and was panting. Justice went to kiss her German Shepard, Roxy goodbye. Justice ran to Sabrina and gave her a big hug. Justice, Shawn and Sabrina started to talk about their favorite interests. Sabrina's other close friend, Megan came to talk to them with her other friends following her. They hung out near the lockers and talked before the bell rang.

The bell rings and everybody heads to class. Her school is so small that it could only accept a total of 70 students. In Sabrina's first period class, there were a total of 8 students. The kids went to the computers and waited for a teacher to read a passage with them. Twenty minutes later, science class starts. Sabrina thought that her science teacher was pretty cute. Sometimes, she flirted every time she handed in her homework. Her teacher was the only laid back teacher in the school. He didn't even care if the kids were drawing in class. Sabrina started to draw her favorite anime characters in the middle of science. One of Megan's friends, who was not really Sabrina's friend was having a little "hissy fit" because Sabrina was drawing in class. Her name was Lexi. Sabrina HATED Lexi's guts.

"Sabrina! you have to work too you know!" Cried Lexi.

"It's called multitasking and listening at the same time, kiss up!" Sabrina yelled back.

"Guys, what is going on?" The science teacher asked."

"She's drawing in the middle of class!" Lexi called out .

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up and mind your own damn business, won't you?" Sabrina snapped back.

Lexi got angry and Sabrina liked it that way. Sabrina continued to draw as her science teacher started to teach the rest of the class. There was another kid that Sabrina hated named Tevin, who would always watch what she is doing. Tevin was also a tattle tale like Lexi. Tevin would usually drive the teacher crazy. Sometimes, the science teacher couldn't even handle him. Usually, Tevin is the only kid in the class who is recorded with bad behavior. The science teacher does not do that often to students. Lexi and Tevin looked at Sabrina furiously as she decided to put up the middle finger towards them.

"Sabrina flipped me and Lexi off!" cried Tevin.

"Um, what are you talking about? You were the one who always causes drama in this class". Sabrina snapped back.

The science teacher believed Sabrina but not Tevin. The teacher told Tevin to move away from her. He knew that Tevin and Sabrina was not a good combination. The next class was Sabrina's favorite class because she had her favorite friends including Justice in the class. The only part Sabrina hated was that they had assigned seats. The teacher left the kids alone to get some copies for the lesson. Sabrina, Megan and Justice started talking. Lext started to talk to Megan. Then Megan gave Lexi's full attention. When Sabrina was trying to get Megan's attention back, she ignored her. Sabrina kept on tapping Megan's shoulder, calling her name and started to talk about her thing. Finally Megan gave Sabrina the attention. When Sabrina was about to open her mouth, the teacher told Sabrina

"Sabrina, sit back down in your seat and close your mouth."

Sabrina stuck her tongue at the teacher without her looking at her. Sabrina thought that every minute the school gets worse until she found out about something when she gets home.

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