Comfortable liar.

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The song linked is literally my fave song rn and it's also the chapter name teehee!! I'm so silly ikr

It was a long day of working. You came home and did your nightly routine feeling just a bit sore. There was a required meeting you had to go to earlier that morning—— going earlier than expected gave you so much more than just that meeting. It was truly something else.  You couldn't stop thinking about what had happened that morning. His voice, his words, how it felt.  It played like a record in your head over and over, it was something you had always hoped would happen, and so it finally did. It must have been a once in a lifetime experience.  You sat down on your bed, still shocked at what you got. A warm feeling flushed across your face, you thought about it again.


        This was an important meeting he needed to host, it was regarding the enemy. Staying up all night planning out what would be discussed, who's in charge with what, who will have to come close to the enemy, etc.... Waking up that morning at 7am  sharp regretting the feeling of staying up all night, struggling to get up and out of the bed, a groggy and stressed feeling prevailed into his waking.  The male hadn't had gone to sleep till nearly  4am  that night, running on 2 hours of sleep surely didn't make him any less stressed for the days event.  But he still went on to get this done with, doing his morning routine.—— Shower, get dressed, do his hair, and have black coffee followed by his morning cigarette. He wasn't one to eat breakfast.

        Midas would come to the meeting first of course, with the need to set up the place and make sure everything would work the way it always had. Nothing started  until 10am  but you came just nearly an hour early.

        Witnessing the tall male having a smoke outside,  his hands delicately holding the cigarette against his lips to exhale that big puff of grey smoke, he himself waiting for his meeting to start. You figured you would come up to the male and greet him—— walking up he noticed you so he would stub out the cancer stick and walk his way into the large white bricked building. Although he did stay back and hold the door for you, not allowing you to be left outside before he would enter the building entirely, what a gentleman he could be. Walking past him you got a whiff of the male, it was a strong scent. Cigarettes, expensive cologne, and a hint of musk. It smelt 'masculine', but it wasn't a bad smell. In fact, it made you feel things you didn't think you would this early in the morning.

        "Good morning, boss."

        He moved past your body readily looking over what you assumed to be notes which were placed on the long table that held seats for every member of the agency—— he met you with his eyes, the golden and milky white iris's gave an intimidating appearance. It made you feel weak in the knees to reciprocate his eye contact, giving a slight smile his way which would be refused to return.

        "And good morning to you as well, why are you here so early? You are aware this meeting does not start for..." glancing over at his watch before arriving back to his words "Nearly and hour from now?"  You nodded his way, "I figured I would arrive early and not sit like a duck in water just waiting for this meeting to start."

        You sat your bag down along with yourself, your chair being the first to the left, it being closest to the bosses. You would glance over to him, he was looking over at the neatly stacked papers and folders, opening your mouth to ask what he was looking over he stopped you in your tracks. "It is what I shall be discussing to you and the others, no need to ask questions."  You were a little taken back that he knew what you were going to ask, but you just nodded, keeping your silence. You would look around time to time and glance over at him—— but when you weren't looking it felt like daggers were burning though you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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