Sonadow crackfic pt2

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Sb helped me write this one with alot of parts so kudos to you sb!

Sonic was excited to say the least. I mean who wouldn't be when an amazing hedgehog like Shadow would be hanging out with him! Also, an awesome hedgehog! Chadonic decided to prepare some snacks, like chili dogs of course! And maybe a few sodas. In all honesty, Sonch had no idea why he had asked Chado to hang out, it was mostly just a impulsive decision to hang out with a buddy! *DING DONG* "Coming!" Sonic yelled. He opened the door expecting to see Shadow but instead saw Sb? " Hiya Sonic! Just wanted to drop by and give you these!" Sb handed Sonic a goodie bag with Doritos, cookies, and Snickers. "Oh, Thank you! Say, how did you get my adress-" " YOURE WELCOME BYE SONIC! OH, AND MAKE SURE YOU DEFINITLEY SHARE WITH SHADOW!!!"

Sonic was a little concerned but looked at the goodie bag Sb gave him and saw a note, it read " Dear Sonic, hi, I saw you walk home all by your lonely self and followed you because you know that's what I do, I follow everyone to their homes! Anyways, make sure to tell Shadow that his red highlights on his quills are gay! Love you blue! -xoxoxo Sb :))" (actual note from Sb himself). "huh" Sonic said processing it all. " Ok then, not gonna question him stalking people."

Just then, Sonic heard another knock at the door, "WHO IS IT?" Sonic shouted "It's me, Shadow. Who else would it be?" Sonic quickly set everything down and rushed to open the door. "Sorry about that, it's just that Sb came by earlier and told me to tell you, um, the red highlights in your quils are gay?" silence"what?" Shampoo responded. "His words, not mine" ... Silence, again.

" So are you gonna invite me in or what?" Shadoe questioned. "Oh yea, sorry, come inside!"

Cliffhanger again?
Sorry about that, but what do you think will happen next? Will they eat chili dogs, make out, play some video games, MAYBE ALL! WHO KNOWS! Also, as I was writing this Sb was talking about taking pictures of two hedgehogs kissing.

----------------------------------------------------------------Cliffhanger again? Sorry about that, but what do you think will happen next? Will they eat chili dogs, make out, play some video games, MAYBE ALL! WHO KNOWS! Also, as I was writing th...

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Context: Before Sb knocked on the door to Sonics house. Art by @Hokakohshbjjqu once again.

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