Love - PlasmaShipping ☁️🥀

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-Hate for self
Skip parts that have "-" around them if you get triggered by this warning!

What ships will appear in this story:
-Samurai Shipping
-Glacier Shipping
-Scruff Shipping

Let's get onto the story now, shall we?
Happy reading! :)
Kai's POV:

It was my birthday and not a lot of people remembered.
Only Dareth, Ronin, All the other ninja, including Pixal, Wu, and my parents remembered.
Skylor didn't remember. But I didn't care that much, we don't hang out that much anyway.
- Of course, Nya and my parents kept begging for me to throw a party, they wanted me to get rid of my.. well issues.
You see, I have some anxiety and panic attacks sometimes when there's something happening that includes ME.
I just don't like myself.
I've hated myself ever since some of my classmates in my 2nd grade class made fun of how I looked.
How my hair looked silly when it was down, how I had different colored eyes than them, everything about me was different than them. -
Today was the birthday party, and it was set up a few hours ago. It was supposed to be a surprise party, but I found out once everyone was busy with a ton of stuff.
And that stuff was getting supplies for the party and setting it up.
- I despised birthday parties, especially when it's MY birthday party.
I just hated when everyone sang and gave me all the attention.
It feels like they're forcing theirselves to be nice to me. -
The party was starting any minute and I was still in my room, looking at my reflection in the mirror.
I heard a knock on my bedroom door and I walked over to it and opened it.
It was Lloyd, with a concerned look on his face.
He looked at me and awkwardly smiled, "The- The parties gonna start soon- and the others were getting worried where you were so I just participated to check up on you-"
I had tired eyes as I slightly pushed Lloyd aside, me walking out my room, into the hall.
Lloyd closed my door a bit and walked to the training yard, where the entrance was.
I sighed and I shivered.
I haven't had a birthday party in a long while, I was nervous.
I walked out to where everyone else was, and they all looked towards my direction.
Exactly what I need, everyone staring at me.
I ignored the stares as I headed for the cookies set up at a nearby table.
Nya then walked up to me and set her hand on my shoulder, "You're gonna be fine, Kai. Relax, I'm sure you'll have a fun time."
I turned my head to Nya while a piece of the cookie was in my mouth.
I didn't believe I was going to have a fun time, but I didn't want to argue with my sister.
She then walked back to where she was before, beginning to set up some balloons again.
I saw Jay looking at me with some sort of adoration.
I didn't think much of it so I just ignored it.
But once I noticed him getting closer to me wherever I went, I started to get annoyed.
I walked over to him when I had the chance, "Why are you following me everywhere?"
He had slight blush appear on his freckled-face.
I had butterflies in my stomach, but they disappeared once I realized that I was feeling something.
I was waiting for an answer from Jay, but he didn't answer. He just darted over to Cole and shook him around, him a hot mess.
I smiled, keeping my laugh in.
What was this feeling I had?
Was it love?
It couldn't be. Jay was my best friend, I couldn't have had feelings on him. Right?
The party soon started as everyone walked inside. There was some of my mom's side of the family, and mostly some of my dad's side of the family. The others were Dareth, Ronin, the other Ninja, Sensei Wu, and Lloyd's mom.
Misako doesn't know me that much, but it's not like I like her that much.
I despise her a little for abandoning Lloyd. I don't hate Misako, but I just don't have a good opinion on her.
Then I saw Skylor walk through the gate, I hid my face as I saw her.
We broke up a few weeks ago and I didn't want to see her since then.
She was still my friend, but it's just weird still hanging out with your ex-girlfriend.
Or at least I find it weird.
Time passed by as people talked to people.
In the corner of my eye, I could see Jay looking at me again, only that he was holding something behind his back.
Cole and Zane were talking to each other and Lloyd was greeting other people. Nya was hanging out with our parents.
Jay then walked up to me and brung out the object from his back.
It was flowers. Roses.
I looked at him, confused on why he gave me flowers.
But deep down, I knew why. I just couldn't accept the thought of it though.
"Those are for you!"
He said to me, jittering around non-stop.
I smiled at the flowers and smelled them. They smelt nice.
I looked back at Jay and looked into his eyes.
They were so beautiful, such a nice blue color.
I didn't notice how long I've been staring into his eyes until Ronin bumped me on the shoulder.
I snapped out of my daydream and turned around to Ronin.
"So? Who's the lucky person?"
I blushed slightly. "No one."
He knew I was lying, so he just shrugged and went over back to Dareth.
I knew Dareth liked Ronin. I could tell.
Dareths more clingy to Ronin than to anyone else.
I'm not sure if Ronin likes Dareth though, he seems to hide his feelings really good.
Or he has no feelings for Dareth at all.
With me staring in Dareth and Ronin's direction, I didn't notice that Jay walked away.
I frowned disappointedly and I walked inside the monastery, walking over to my room.
Before I made it all the way to my room, I grabbed a vase to put the flowers in.
I got to my room and saw a gift on my bed, it was wrapped in blue wrap.
I instantly set down the flowers and opened the gift, not reading who it was from. But I KNEW who it was from.
Or at least I thought I knew.
I finished opening it and finally read who it was from, which said it was from my mom.
I looked at the object my mom got me as I smiled slightly.
It was a picture of me and Nya in the past, playing in the grass.
It was a meaningful gift, and I loved it. I loved my sister. I had always loved her.
If something happened to her, I would avenge her.
She's dating Pixal, and I have no problem with Pixal, but I'm still overprotective over Nya when shes around Pixal.
I didn't bother to clean up the mess as I walked out of the room, completely forgetting to put the flowers in the vase.
I started to walk back into the yard, not paying attention to where I was going. Which caused me to bump into Jay, I fell on top of him as he blushed.
We were a few inches away, my heart beating rapidly.
I got up a little. "Sorry."
He sat up as I was on my knees.
"It's okay."
I wanted to tell Jay my feelings about him. But it felt like I was ashamed to, I just didn't want people to judge us. Especially since Jay is sensitive about some topics.
I helped Jay get up, then I pulled him into my room.
I pulled him in close, looking into his eyes again.
He looked into my hazel colored eyes and he then set his lips on mine, me starting to blush from the sudden action.
It was a short but passionate kiss, and I never wanted it to end.
He pulled away as I was a hot mess, he giggled at the bright red color on my face.
I tried to cover the blush on my face, but Jay just removed my hands from my face and kissed me again.
I kissed back this time.
I held his waist, while his arms were wrapped around my neck. We continued kissing until we heard a knock at the door.
The door was open, but the person that knocked probably knocked on the wall to get our attention.
- The person was Cole. "Let's go, you lovebirds. They're gonna start playing some bullshit games." -
I picked up Jay, bridal style.
I turned back towards the doorway to see Cole gone, then I walked out of the room, not caring to close the door.
Jay snuggled his face into my chest as I blushed.
I reached back to the yard and almost everyone looked at me and Jay.
I ignored the looks and I set Jay down, carefully.
Jay smiled as I put him down, he then quickly hugged me.
I blushed, the blush quite visible. Which caused some of the other ninja to giggle.
Especially Cole and Nya. They knew I liked Jay, and Cole already saw us kissing.
I hugged Jay back, trying my best to fight my urge of kissing him.
But I soon failed, pulling him in as everyone soon began to stare.
I kissed him, he didn't expect it, which caused him to blush even more.
I stopped the kiss, not caring whether other people stared.
I smiled as I looked into Jays beautiful eyes.
I was happy with Jay. Happy.
I kissed him again, this time more longer.
I don't care about any others opinions anymore.
I love Jay.
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Have a good day/night/evening <3

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