Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- You asked for it

(And we're back, hooray totally have not been waiting for one week and one day. -Accio_whats_left_of_my_sanity )
(Accio it's been like 18 days from when we last updated -Hayden) 
(Totally wasn’t gone because my brain was failing me -Ave_Is_Fine)

Warnings: Deaths, Blood and Burning books D:   

Third Person POV:

After the survivors took a break from researching, they went over to Accio's base. Lizzie opened the door "You sure Accio wouldn't mind us going into her base without her permission?" Keralis asked nervously. "She wouldn't mind, come on, the library is around this corner." Lizzie said with confidence. Around the corner was a huge dark oak door, Lizzie walked over and gave it a big push. The dark oak door opened to the other side was millions and millions of bookshelves, all of them full. "This looks like Hogwarts library!" Grian said excitedly, "It really does look like it." Joel whispered in awe. "We better start searching, who knows how much time we have left." Keralis said, already flipping through books. Everyone nodded and started researching, hours after hours of searching "It's funny to think these books are from different servers." Keralis said to Azar "I know there's a lot of history that we can discover here, Hopefully, we find something soon" Azar replied "This library is a MAZE. How does Accio even know where to find certain books!?" Keralis asked, very curious. Suddenly a loud creak could be heard as if something was falling. "What is that sound?" Keralis asked, the duo turned around and saw the bookshelf behind them falling.
They screamed but it was too late a huge crash could be heard. Blood scattered over all the books. You could barely see the two anymore. All there was red a lot of red. Maybe even some guts in the mixture. (Maybe now they will learn something -Ave_With_The_Puns_Agian)

"What was that sound!?" Jimmy yelled and everybody came rushing over to the source of the crash only to see a lot of books. But at the edge of the pile was Azar's hand. "What's going on!?" Accio yelled, running over to the pile of books. Everyone froze. "Is that Azar!?" Accio said when she spotted Azar's hand. "Well Accio, a bookshelf fell and killed Azar." Lizzie said awkwardly, Accio looked like she was in shock. "W-why are you guys here anyway?" Accio asked "We just came to look for a book! Oh, there it is silly me I must've dropped it." Lizzie said, picking a random book from the pile. Accio just nodded and signaled them to follow her. It was very awkward after they left the library and went into the living room, they suddenly noticed "KERALIS IS MISSING!" Jimmy yelled. (That was rude Jimmy -Accio. Bruh -Ave) "You don't think he died with Azar?" Wels whispered. It made a lot of sense but nobody wanted to admit it was true. "What is that book anyway Lizzie?" Joel asked, breaking the extremely loud silence. "I don't know really, let me see what it says," Lizzie looked at the book "It's called Rare Hybrids." Lizzie said surprised. Everybody looked at Lizzie, "Go on Lizzie tell us what it says." Katherine urged. Lizzie nodded. (basically the info at the end of chapters 7 and 8)  "That is interesting, Black Souls sound creepy, and Alters sound mysterious." Shubble said. Lizzie looked a bit unwell "Lizzie are you okay? Do you need some fresh air?" Joel asked worriedly for her "I think I might need a walk, Joel, do you want to walk with me?" Lizzie said Joel just nodded.

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