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Despite leaving early that morning, Karasuno had been the last team to reach Nekoma, hauling their luggage in tow while the other teams had gathered in the cafeteria chatting and lounging.

Shiratorizawa had followed behind the rest of them, invested in the various conversations and sights. They hadn't been off the bus more than ten minutes before Daichi had to break up a fight between Hinata and Kageyama. Seeing how well they matched up as a team on the court compared to how they fought almost any chance they got was impressive, to say the least. Nishinoya sang out a number as soon as the word came out of Kageyama's mouth, turning around to smirk at Semi who chuckled in response.

Finally getting through the gates, the team entered the scene. Kuroo and Bokuto were the first to pay them mind, focusing on the lot, a bit more on Tsukishima and Hinata specifically.

Tsukishima let out a sound of disgust when the two came up to him, getting closer than he cared for. "Tsukki-dude~!" Bokuto coos much to Tsukishima's anguish, Kuroo following it up with a wink. "We missed you! It's been a while, so we're totally gonna hang out more!"

He rolls his eyes and frowns. "Let's not, thanks." Tsukishima scoffs, walking past the two toward the doors leading to the vacant rooms set aside for each team. Yamaguchi follows him after giving the two a sheepish smile. Kuroo shrugged at them and focused his attention back on the rest of them.

Hinata lit up when Bokuto called out to him, running and jumping excitedly. "Chibi-chan! My number one pupil, it's good to see you!" Hinata smiled brightly, his aura burning intensely with the gall to learn even more from Bokuto.

"Hinata-kun, I see Bokuto-san has already found you." Akaashi's voice comes into earshot, and Bokuto and Hinata both watch him approach from behind. He offers Hinata a smile when he comes to a stop. "It's good to see all of you, Daichi-san, Ushijima-san. I hope the trip here was alright." both captains nodded, Wakatoshi holding a hand in greeting.

"There wasn't one dull moment the whole way here," Daichi assures with a laugh as he stops next to Hinata, "has everyone already had lunch?"

"We already ate, but the others are still eating inside, so you're not too far behind," Akaashi points to the doors behind them. "we'll let you get settled in then. Come on Bokuto-san, you'll see them in a bit."

The three of them made off in the opposite direction, leaving the team to take care of their business before joining everyone for lunch. Entering the building, they were met with a long corridor and a flight of stairs tucked into the wall in front of them. Daichi pulled a piece of paper with the details and locations for the weekend from his pant pocket, skimming through the scribbled kanji until he found what he was looking for.

"Ah, here," he points to a bullet point list on the paper, Sugawara and Asahi looking over his shoulder as he reads, "we've been assigned rooms upstairs. Between all of us, it looks like there are four rooms for us in the same quadrant, two rooms further down the hall for the managers and coaches," it was nothing new, every time they had traveled, most of them would be sectioned off into different rooms hosting 3-5 people. Daichi looked over his shoulder to look over the group, trying to figure out how to divide it up even without it turning into an issue. "Ushijima-kun, do you have any preference on how we do this?"

"It won't matter. If it is beneficial, you can choose for us to make it easier on yourself," Wakatoshi states, relinquishing control of his team to Karasuno. None of them had a problem with it, assuming they'd be in one room together.

Oh, how they were wrong.

"Great! In that case, I think I have something that can work."

Room A - Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Semi

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